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Mundla Gangi Reddi v Golla Narasimha Reddi   flag 

[1941] AllINRprMad 467; [1941] AIR Mad 895
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
17th July, 1941

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
[1937] Nag 532 [1937] Nag 532 India - Maharashtra circa 1937 flag 1
Air 1937 Nag 1353 AIR 1937 Nag 1353 India - Maharashtra circa 1937 flag 1
Air 1935 Bom 207 AIR 1935 Bom 207 India - Maharashtra circa 1935 flag 3
[1935] Bom 80 [1935] Bom 80 India - Maharashtra circa 1935 flag 2
37 Bom LR 2071 37 Bom LR 2071 India - Maharashtra flag 1
36 Bom LR 1236 36 Bom LR 1236 India - Maharashtra flag 2
(1946) 1941 Lah 145 (1946) 1941 Lah 145 Pakistan circa 1941 flag 2
Criminal P C , "offence" means any act or an enquiry into the nature of the property where omission made punishable by any law for the alleged mutwalli denies the existence of the wakf : ('41) 28 A I R (1946) 1941 Lah 145 Pakistan circa 1937 flag 2
169 IC 648 169 IC 648 United Kingdom circa 1937 flag 2
2 P 898 2 P 898 circa 1937 1

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