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In re Gangaram Shionna   flag 

[1942] AllINRprNag 76; [1943] ILR Nag 436; [1943] AIR Nag 168
All India Reporter - Nagpur
India - Maharashtra
2nd November, 1942

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1939] Nag 398 [1939] Nag 398 India - Maharashtra circa 1939 flag 1
Note "Not guilty 1' d order for sale irom the attachment Both go (b) Contract Act (1872), S 148 -- Bailment ^ together in this case, and the attachment explained , and the order for sale together formed the Where there is no obligation to return identical process in execution which was issued by subject-matter, either bailment form, there can be no in its original or in an altered [P 169/] the civil Court, though it was prohibited to T, J Kedar -- for Applicant do so by para 11, sch 3, Civil P C That M Adhikari -- for R being the basis of the sale held by the Col lector and the basis itself being invalid the Order --The applicant Gangaram has sale by the Collector held in consequence been convicted under S 409, Penal Code, and thereof must be held to be invalid In AIR sentenced to one year's rigorous imprison 1938 Rag 281,1 to which I was a party, it was ment and a fine of rs 800 Most of the facts laid down that attachment is not in itself an are not in dispute Gangaram is an adatiya independent process but is a part and parcel in the Wun cotton market Between 6th of the process of sale in execution I adhere* IDecember 1939 and 2nd April 1940 the com plainant Tukaram (p W l) delivered 13 carts 1 ('38) 25 India - Maharashtra circa 1938 flag 2
[1931] Bom 263 [1931] Bom 263 India - Maharashtra circa 1931 flag 1
Note, "Instalment decrees--Default--Proviso ' ' ments That decision was followed in AIR M B Bobde -- for Appellant [1931] Bom 263 India - Maharashtra circa 1931 flag 1
173 IC 877 173 IC 877 United Kingdom circa 1938 flag 1
132 IC 437 132 IC 437 United Kingdom circa 1938 flag 1
33 Bom LR 459 33 Bom LR 459 India - Maharashtra circa 1938 flag 1

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