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Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
[1944] Nag 40 [1944] Nag 40 India - Maharashtra circa 1944 flag 3
Form "C" He was, therefore, tain the accounts in accordance with the condi bound to see that conditions of that license weifc tions of their license and (2) that they had, with observed The fact that others became associated out reasonable cause, closed their shop from 8th with him in the responsibility would not dimi April to 12th April nish his responsibility Each member of the group * [5] The Magistrate before whom the case came was liable to maintain the registers and accounts for trial eonvicted all the accused persons hold provided for by conditions 6 and 7 and their ing that their liability was joint and several All failure to maintain those registers and accounts the accused appealed to the Court of Session made them liable to the penalty The learned The Sessions Judge of Rai Bareli wholly dismis Magistrate rightly convicted them all and the sed the applicant's appeal and partly allowed the fact that the Sessions Judge, on a wrong appreci appeal of Jagdamba and set aside ation of the legal position, has acquitted three their conviction on the first charge holding that persons is no ground for the acquittal of the Jagnarain alone was liable to maintain the ac fourth person also counts Jagnarain has applied to this Court in [9] The result is that this application fails and revision is dismissed [6] The first contention of Mr Misra, coun S c, Application dismissed* sel for the applicant is that the Partabgarh Dis trict Controlled Cotton Cloth Distribution Order, A I R (39) 1948 Oudh 184 [C N 69 ] 1946, never came into force because it is now Kidwai J agreed that it was never published in the local newspapers In support of this contention he re Gh Abdul Aziz Khan--Applicant v Badri lied upon India - Maharashtra circa 1944 flag 1

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