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Brennan v Permanent Trustee Co   flag 

[1945] ArgusLawRp 52; (1945) 51 ALR 411
Argus Law Reports
17th August, 1945

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Perrin v Morgan [1943] AC 39 United Kingdom circa 1943 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 2
Re Sing [1914] WN 90 United Kingdom circa 1914 flag 2
Greenwood, In re; Greenwood v Sutcliffe [1912] UKLawRpCh 22; (1912) 1 Ch 392 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 16 Feb 1912 CommonLII flag 3
Knight v Knight [1912] HCA 36; (1912) 14 CLR 86; 18 ALR 286 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 31 May 1912 AustLII flag 17
In the Matter of The Estate of William Clark, Deceased, and In the Matter of the Covent Garden Approach, and Southwark and West-Minster Communication Act, 1857 [1864] EngR 679; 3 De GJ & S 111; 46 ER 579 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1864 CommonLII flag 5
Towns v Wentworth [1858] EngR 371; 11 Moore PC 526; 14 ER 794; 31 LTOS 274; 6 WR 397 Privy Council United Kingdom circa 1858 CommonLII flag 65
Bird v Luckie [1850] EngR 705; (1850) 8 Hare 301; 68 ER 375 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1850 CommonLII flag 24

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