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Emperor v Ganeshi Lal   flag 

[1946] AllINRprOudh 28; [1947] AIR Oudh 9
All India Reporter - Oudh
India - Uttar Pradesh
20th March, 1946

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
[1946] Own 245 [1946] OWN 245 Canada - Ontario circa 1946 flag 1
[1944] Own 443 [1944] OWN 443 Canada - Ontario circa 1944 flag 2
[1943] Rom 49 [1943] Rom 49 United Kingdom circa 1943 flag 1
(1941) 9 Itr 313 (1941) 9 ITR 313 circa 1941 4
[1931] Mad 659 [1931] Mad 659 India circa 1931 flag 6
[1930] Mad 764 [1930] Mad 764 India circa 1930 flag 3
225 IC 222 225 IC 222 United Kingdom flag 1
205 IC 240 205 IC 240 United Kingdom flag 2
134 IC 42 134 IC 42 United Kingdom flag 4
126 IC 596 126 IC 596 United Kingdom flag 2
54 Mad 21 54 Mad 21 India flag 3
Air 1945 Oudh 42 AIR 1945 Oudh 42 India - Uttar Pradesh circa 1945 flag 1
Air 1943 Bom 491 AIR 1943 Bom 491 India - Maharashtra circa 1943 flag 1
Air 1924 PC 247 AIR 1924 PC 247 Privy Council India circa 1924 flag 4

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