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Ismail v Emperor   flag 

[1946] AllINRprSind 15
All India Reporter - Sind
9th August, 1945

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
[1941] Bom 50 [1941] Bom 50 India - Maharashtra circa 1941 flag 1
AIR 1933 Lahore 388 AIR 1933 Lahore 388 India - Punjab circa 1933 flag 1
AIR 1928 Lahore 320 AIR 1928 Lahore 320 India - Punjab circa 1928 flag 1
[1927] PC 215 [1927] PC 215 United Kingdom circa 1927 flag 1
Air 1921 Sind 129 AIR 1921 Sind 129 Pakistan circa 1921 flag 1
[1919] Bom 164 [1919] Bom 164 India - Maharashtra circa 1919 flag 1
(1919) 43 Bom 739 (1919) 43 Bom 739 India - Maharashtra circa 1919 flag 1
R v Baskerville [1916] 2 KB 658; [1916-17] All ER 38; (1916) 12 Cr App R 81; 80 JP 446; 115 LT 453; 86 LJKB 28; 25 Cox CC 524 United Kingdom circa 1916 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 331
(1895) 19 Bom 728 (1895) 19 Bom 728 India - Maharashtra circa 1895 flag 2
212 IC 467 212 IC 467 United Kingdom flag 1
192 IC 671 192 IC 671 United Kingdom flag 1
143 IC 499 143 IC 499 United Kingdom flag 1
110 IC 225 110 IC 225 United Kingdom flag 1
108 IC 514 108 IC 514 United Kingdom flag 2
60 IC 7861 60 IC 7861 United Kingdom flag 1
51 IC 657 51 IC 657 United Kingdom flag 1
43 Bom 7392 43 Bom 7392 India - Maharashtra flag 1
42 Bom LR 938 42 Bom LR 938 India - Maharashtra flag 1
23 Bom 316 23 Bom 316 India - Maharashtra flag 3
16 SLR 67 16 SLR 67 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 3
9 Lah 60813 9 Lah 60813 Pakistan flag 1
8 Lah 23012 8 Lah 23012 Pakistan flag 1
8 Lah 230 8 Lah 230 Pakistan flag 1
2 P 46 2 P 46 11

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