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Vassandmal Davaldas v Hiromal Mohanmal   flag 

[1947] AllINRprSind 31
All India Reporter - Sind
24th July, 1946

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1944 Mad 295 AIR 1944 Mad 295 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1944 flag 1
[1941] Bom 71 [1941] Bom 71; 42 Bom LR 750 India - Maharashtra circa 1941 flag 5
[1937] Sid 279 [1937] Sid 279 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1937 flag 1
[1929] Mad 689 [1929] Mad 689 India circa 1929 flag 1
[1922] Bom 78 [1922] Bom 78 India - Maharashtra circa 1922 flag 1
(1916) 40 Bom 646 (1916) 40 Bom 646 India - Maharashtra circa 1916 flag 2
[1915] Bom 244 [1915] Bom 244 India - Maharashtra circa 1915 flag 1
218 IC 330 218 IC 330 United Kingdom flag 1
209 IC 528 209 IC 528 United Kingdom flag 1
172 IC 403 172 IC 403 United Kingdom flag 1
117 IC 298 117 IC 298 United Kingdom flag 1
46 Bom 65110 46 Bom 65110 India - Maharashtra flag 1
46 Bom 651 46 Bom 651 India - Maharashtra flag 1
40 Bom 64 40 Bom 64 India - Maharashtra flag 5
37 Bom 320 37 Bom 320 India - Maharashtra flag 3
33 Bom 63611 33 Bom 63611 India - Maharashtra flag 1
33 Bom 636 33 Bom 636 India - Maharashtra flag 2
32 SLR 73 32 SLR 73 Singapore - Singapore LexisNexis flag 1
Bhikanbhai v Hiralal 24 Bom 622; 2 Bom LR 483 India - Maharashtra flag 5
21 Bom 522 21 Bom 522 India - Maharashtra flag 1
19 IC 4 19 IC 4 United Kingdom flag 1
Ramachandra Joishi v Hazi KassiM 16 Mad 207 India flag 4
12 Mad 697 12 Mad 697 India flag 1
3 IC 779 3 IC 779 United Kingdom flag 1

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