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Nagamma Shedthi v Korathu Hengsu   flag 

[1949] AllINRprMad 225; [1950] AIR Mad 546
All India Reporter - Madras
India - Tamil Nadu
23rd March, 1949

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Ooi Sim Tin v Public Prosecutor [1990] 1 MLJ 88 Malaysia circa 1990 LexisNexis flag 3
[1987] P 0 [1987] P 0 circa 1987 3
[1948] Mad 129 [1948] Mad 129 India circa 1948 flag 2
[1946] Mad 243 [1946] Mad 243 India circa 1946 flag 3
[1942] Mad 384 [1942] Mad 384 India circa 1942 flag 4
Egappa v Bamanatha, I L R [1942] Mad 526 India circa 1942 flag 2
[1937] P 0 [1937] P 0 circa 1937 6
Kernan and v Kotiswararao, IL R [1937] Mad 263 India circa 1937 flag 5
[1936] Mad 861; Air 1937 Mad 438 [1936] Mad 861; AIR 1937 Mad 438 India - Tamil Nadu circa 1937 flag 2
[1936] Mad 86 [1936] Mad 86 India circa 1936 flag 2
[1925] Mad 792 [1925] Mad 792 India circa 1925 flag 3
Commissioners of Sewers of the City of London v Gellatly [1876] UKLawRpCh 227; 3 Ch D 610; 45 LJCh 788; 24 WR 1059 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 19 Jun 1876 CommonLII flag 20
71 MLJ 545 71 MLJ 545 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 2
Durgamma v Kechamayya 48 MLJ 351 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 2
Vasudevan v Sankaran 20 Mad 129 India flag 16
17 MLJ 260 17 MLJ 260 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 2
Chidambaram Eutti v Erishnan 10 Mad 322 India flag 1
7 MLJ 102 7 MLJ 102 Malaysia LexisNexis flag 2
Thenju v Ghimmu 7 Mad 413 India flag 1

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