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Testamentary proceedings of the late Jose v Ramirez Jose Eugenio Ramirez De La Cavada Esperanza Ramirez De Cortabitarte, Elsa Ramirez De Chambers, Lily Ramirez Viuda De Pfannenschmidt and Horacio Ramirezs Jose Ma Cavanna as Attorney-in-fact of Belen t , Rita E , Ramon a , George P , and Jose E , all surnamed Ramirez, movants vs Angela M Butte, legatee - GR   flag 

[1956] PHSC 97
Supreme Court of the Philippines
29th December, 1956

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Florentino vs Francisco 57 Phil 742 Philippines flag 11
Fernandez v Tantoco 49 Phil 380 Philippines flag 9

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