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Hiralal (a) Hiralal Dhanuka v Tin Tin U   flag 

[1958] BurLawRp 39; [1958] BLR (HC) 268
Burma Law Reports
17th July, 1958

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Jagat Singh v Emperor AIR 1930 Lahore 55 India - Punjab circa 1930 flag 1
(1908) 32 Bom 184 (1908) 32 Bom 184 India - Maharashtra circa 1908 flag 3
344 Ilr 32 344 ILR 32 circa 1930 1
34 ALT 1267 34 ALT 1267 Australia circa 1930 flag 1
H v Subha Rao v Government of Mysore 9 Cr LJ 319 India flag 1

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