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Empire-Park Square Lumber Co v Manhattan Lighterage Corporation   flag 

252 F2d 165
United States Court of Appeals, Second Circuit
United States
13th February, 1958

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1945) 151 f2d 129 (1945) 151 F2d 129 United States circa 1945 Westlaw flag 4
(1919) 256 f 20 (1919) 256 F 20 circa 1919 3
Texas & Pacific Ry Co v Behymer 189 US 468; 47 L Ed 905; 23 SCt 622; 13 Am Neg Rep 695 United States Supreme Court United States 20 Apr 1903 WorldLII flag 80
Work v Leathers 97 US 379; 24 L Ed 1012 United States Supreme Court United States 1 Oct 1878 WorldLII flag 19
290 f 458 290 F 458 circa 1903 1
M & J Tracy, Inc v Marks, Lissberger & Son, Inc 283 F 100 4
277 f 180 277 F 180 1
Sterns Lumber Co v John H Rice Co , DC 260 F 434 1
Braker v F W Jarvis Co , DC 166 F 987 1
Empire-Park Square Lumber Co, Libellant-Appellee, v Manhattan Lighterage Corporation, Respondent-Appellant No 153 Docket 24615 United States - Pennsylvania flag 1
Bulger v National Lead Co 5 F2d 1013 United States Westlaw flag 1

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