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Siegel v C Watson   flag 

[1959] USCADC 102
United States Court of Appeals, District of Columbia Circuit
United States
16th February, 1959

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1954) 210 f2d 290 (1954) 210 F2d 290 United States circa 1954 Westlaw flag 2
Texas & PR Co v Riley 325 US 873; 89 L Ed 1991; 65 SCt 1414 United States Supreme Court United States Westlaw flag 24
244 f2d 543 244 F2d 543; 113 USPQ 530; 44 CCPA 909 United States Westlaw flag 8
156 FSupp 820 156 FSupp 820 United States Westlaw flag 2
Western States Mach Co v S S Hepworth Co 147 F2d 345 United States Westlaw flag 23
Montgomery Ward & Co v Coe 139 F2d 17; (1943) 78 USApp DC 224 United States Westlaw flag 5
41 Ccpa 795 41 CCPA 795 United States Westlaw flag 2

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