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Philippine Association of Free Labor Unions (Paflu) v Hon Joaquin M Salvador and Social Security System   flag 

[1968] PHSC 551
Supreme Court of the Philippines
28th September, 1968

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
United States v United Mine Workers 330 US 258; 91 L Ed 884; 67 SCt 677; 91 L Ed 2d 884 United States Supreme Court United States 6 Mar 1947 WorldLII flag 687
Gompers v Buck's Stove & Range Co 221 US 418; 34 LRANS 874; 55 L Ed 797; 31 SCt 492; 34 LRANS 474 United States Supreme Court United States 15 May 1911 WorldLII flag 276
Goseco v Court of Industrial Relations 68 Phil 444 Philippines flag 15
Church v La Union Labor Union 91 Phil 163 Philippines flag 8
Pound, The Future of Law (1937) 47 Yale Law Journal 1 Yale Law Journal United States circa 1937 HeinOnline / Westlaw flag 5
Hotel & Restaurant Free Workers v Kim San Cafe & Restaurant 102 Phil 470 Philippines flag 5
National Development Co v CIR 106 Phil 307 Philippines flag 4
Luzon Brokerage Co v Luzon Labor Union 83 Phil 801 Philippines flag 4

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