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People of the Philippines v Jose N Literal   flag 

[1969] PHSC 379
Supreme Court of the Philippines
30th September, 1969

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Green v Cresswell [1839] EngR 769; 10 A & E 453; 113 ER 172; 2 P 8 Queen's Bench United Kingdom circa 1839 CommonLII flag 33
People v Gonzales 76 Phil 473 Philippines flag 33
People v Carillo 77 Phil 572 Philippines flag 32
People v Yturriaga 86 Phil 534 Philippines flag 16
People v Luchico 49 Phil 689 Philippines flag 15
3 P 9 3 P 9 7
People v Conwi 71 Phil 595 Philippines flag 6
(1968) 25 Scra 469 (1968) 25 SCRA 469 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1968 flag 3
68 Phil 724 68 Phil 724 Philippines flag 1
13 Phil 531 13 Phil 531 Philippines flag 1

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