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MACTAN WORKERS UNION and TOMAS FERRER, as President thereof v DON RAMON ABOITIZ, President, Cebu Shipyard & Engineering Works, Inc; EDDIE LIM, as Treasurer; JESUS DIAGO, Superintendent of the aforesaid corporation; WILFREDO VIRAY, as Resident Manager of the Shipyard & Engineering Works, Inc; and the CEBU SHIPYARD & ENGINEERING WORKS, INC -appellees; ASSOCIATION LABOR UNION, intervenor   flag 

[1972] PHSC 161
Supreme Court of the Philippines
30th June, 1972

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text †  Citation Index
Leyte Land Trans Co v Leyte Farmers and Laborers' Union 80 Phil 842 Philippines flag 16
(1964) 12 Scra 316 (1964) 12 SCRA 316 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1964 flag 1
Nasipit Labor Union v Court of Industrial Relations, L-17838, Aug (1966) 17 SCRA 882 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1966 flag 2
(1968) 26 Scra 435 (1968) 26 SCRA 435 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1968 flag 2
Phil Sugar Institute v CIR 106 Phil 401 Philippines circa 1966 flag 10
Dee Cho Lumber Workers' Union v Dee Cho Lumber Co 101 Phil 417 Philippines circa 1966 flag 10
Price Stabilization Corporation v Prisco Workers' Union 104 Phil 1066 Philippines flag 1
International Oil Factory Workers Union v Martinez 110 Phil 595 Philippines flag 2
Republic Savings Bank v CIR (1967) 21 SCRA 226 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1967 flag 26
(1968) 24 Scra 86 (1968) 24 SCRA 86 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1968 flag 6
Security Bank Employees Union-NATU v SBTC (1968) 23 SCRA 503 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1968 flag 26
Elizalde Paint and Oil Factory v Bautista 110 Phil 49 Philippines flag 1
Shell Oil Workers Union v Shell Co of the Philippines, Ltd (1971) 39 SCRA 276 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1971 flag 31
Seno vs Mendoza (1967) 21 SCRA 1124 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1967 flag 12
Land Settlement and Development Corporation v Caledonia Pile Workers' Union 90 Phil 817 Philippines flag 4
(1970) 35 Scra 550 (1970) 35 SCRA 550 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1970 flag 10

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