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Torkin (E) & Co Holdings Ltd v Greystone Apartments Ltd   flag 

[1972] SCR 670
30th March, 1972

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1971) 26 DLR (3d) 354 (1971) 26 DLR (3d) 354 Canada circa 1971 flag 1
Edmonton Airport Hotel Co Ltd v Credit Foncier Franco-Canadien [1965] SCR 441 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 6 Apr 1965 Supreme Court of Canada flag 4
Krook v Yewchuk [1962] SCR 535; 34 DLR (2d) 676 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 11 Jun 1962 Supreme Court of Canada flag 3
Traves v Manchur (1958) 26 WWR 158 Canada circa 1958 flag 2
Diewold v Diewold [1941] SCR 35 circa 1941 2
Milos vs Schmidt [1923] 1 WWR 1444 Canada circa 1923 flag 1
Davidson v Sharpe (1920) 60 SCR 72 circa 1920 2
Swan v Bank of Scotland (1836) 10 Bli NS 627 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1836 flag 8

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