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Grizzell v L Wainwright   flag 

481 F2d 405
United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit
United States
6th July, 1973

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
(1987) 28 USC 2254 (1987) 28 USC 2254; 517 NE2d 1094; 115 Ill Dec 408; 117 Ill2d 552 United States Code United States circa 1987 LII (Cornell) flag 7297
Stovall v Denno 388 US 293; 18 L Ed 2d 1199; 87 SCt 1967 United States Supreme Court United States 12 Jun 1967 WorldLII flag 992
Illinois v Allen 397 US 337; 25 L Ed 2d 353; 90 SCt 1057; 25 L Ed 353 United States Supreme Court United States 18 May 1970 WorldLII flag 379
Coleman v Alabama 399 US 1; 26 L Ed 2d 387; 90 SCt 1999 United States Supreme Court United States 22 Jun 1970 WorldLII flag 259
Offutt v United States 348 US 11; 99 L Ed 11; 75 SCt 11 United States Supreme Court United States 8 Nov 1954 WorldLII flag 219
Bloom v Illinois 391 US 194; 20 L Ed 522; 20 L Ed 2d 522; 88 SCt 1477 United States Supreme Court United States 20 May 1968 WorldLII flag 185
Williams v United States 401 US 646; 28 L Ed 2d 388; 91 SCt 1148 United States Supreme Court United States 5 Apr 1971 WorldLII flag 167
Mayberry v Pennsylvania 400 US 455; 91 SCt 499; 27 L Ed 2; 27 L Ed 2d 532 United States Supreme Court United States 20 Jan 1971 WorldLII flag 114
DeStefano v Woods 392 US 631; 20 L Ed 2d 1308; 88 SCt 2093 United States Supreme Court United States 14 Oct 1968 WorldLII flag 105
United States v Seale 461 F2d 345 United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit United States 6 Jul 1972 WorldLII flag 76
Adams v Illinois 405 US 278; 31 L Ed 2d 202; 92 SCt 916 United States Supreme Court United States 6 Mar 1972 WorldLII flag 46
Matter of David Dellinger 461 F2d 389 United States Court of Appeals, Seventh Circuit United States 6 Jul 1972 WorldLII flag 28
Vaccaro v United States (1972) 461 F2d 626 United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit United States 12 Apr 1972 WorldLII flag 17
United States v Meyer 462 F2d 827; (1972) 149 USApp DC 212 United States Westlaw flag 17
Gosa v J a Mayden 450 F2d 753 United States Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuit United States 12 Oct 1971 WorldLII flag 8
91 SCt 505 91 SCt 505 United States circa 1971 Westlaw flag 2

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