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Lilia D Simon v 1 - GR   flag 

[1976] PHSC 442
Supreme Court of the Philippines
30th June, 1976

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1973) 49 Scra 378 (1973) 49 SCRA 378 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1973 flag 5
Phil Graphic Arts, Inc v Mariano (1973) 53 SCRA 409 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1973 flag 19
86 Phil 432 86 Phil 432 Philippines circa 1973 flag 2
Maria Cristina Fertilizer Corporation vs WCC, et all 60 SCRA 228 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 46
Abong vs Workmen's Compensation Commission 54 SCRA 379 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 21
Development Bank of the Phil v WCC 49 SCRA 365 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 19
35 Scra 456 35 SCRA 456 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 7
34 Scra 29 34 SCRA 29 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 7
7 Sec 45 7 SEC 45 United States flag 2
7 Scra 856 7 SCRA 856 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 5
5 Scra 262 5 SCRA 262 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 8
ex parte 1 SEC 6 United States flag 55

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