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Rosita S Suarnaba v Workmen's Compensation Commission and Clavecilla Radio System   flag 

[1978] PHSC 311
Supreme Court of the Philippines
9th October, 1978

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1970) 35 Scra 165 (1970) 35 SCRA 165 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1970 flag 2
Bacatan v WCC (1975) 67 SCRA 410 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1975 flag 2
Cia v WCC 20 SCRA 1196 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 11
Elective Municipal and Barangay Officials , Rule 7 SEC 1 United States flag 44
Manalang and WCC (1965) 15 SCRA 409 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1965 flag 4
Manila Railroad Co v Rivera (1968) 23 SCRA 922 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1968 flag 11
Northwest Orient Airlines, Inc v Mateu, L-26173, Oct 31 (1969) 30 SCRA 218 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1969 flag 10
Olib v City of Manila 69 SCRA 380 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1969 flag 1
Pangasinan Trans Co , Inc v WCC (1975) 63 SCRA 349 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1975 flag 3
Perez and WCC 11 SCRA 793; 120 Phil 767 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1969 flag 21
Rebodos v WCC (1962) 6 SCRA 717 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1962 flag 8
Victorias Milling Co v Workmen's Compensation Com (1969) 28 SCRA 285 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1969 flag 22
14 Sec 5 14 SEC 5 United States circa 1969 flag 22
15 Sec 7-a 15 SEC 7-A United States flag 1
1961 3 Scra 713 1961 3 SCRA 713 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1961 flag 1
1962 5 Scra 276 1962 5 SCRA 276 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1962 flag 3

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