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Collidge v Smith   flag 

[1978] WASC 81
Supreme Court of Western Australia
Australia - Western Australia
4th May, 1978

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Police Act (WA)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Normandale v Rankine (1972) 4 SASR 205 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia circa 1972 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 14
McLachlan v Mesics [1966] HCA 50; (1966) 116 CLR 340; 40 ALJR 204 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 Aug 1966 AustLII flag 6
Wiltshire v Barrett [1966] 1 QB 312; [1965] 2 All ER 271; [1965] 2 WLR 1195 United Kingdom circa 1966 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 39
R v Brown [1841] EngR 932; 174 ER 522; [1841] Car & M 314 United Kingdom circa 1841 CommonLII flag 4

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