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Amatei vHammond   flag 

[1979] GHLL 1
Ghana Land Law Court
26th February, 1979

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Mensah v Ghana Commercial Bank (1985) 3 WALR 123 Australia - Western Australia circa 1985 flag 1
[1981] GLR 300 [1981] GLR 300 circa 1981 1
Seraphim v Amua-Sekyi [1962] 1 GLR 328 circa 1962 1
Summey v Yohuno [1962] 1 GLR 160 circa 1962 1
Akwie v Awuletey [1960] GLR 231 circa 1960 1
Bruce vQuarnor [1959] GHLL 2; [1959] GLR 292 Ghana Land Law Court Ghana 10 Sep 1959 WorldLII flag 1
Abakam Effiana Family v Mbibado Effiana Family [1959] GLR 362 circa 1959 1
Ashiemoa v Bani [1959] GLR 130 circa 1959 2
Donkor v Danso [1959] GLR 147 circa 1959 2
Okantey v Kwaddey [1959] GLR 241 circa 1959 1
Osu Mantse (Claimants), In re Public Lands (Leasehold) Ordinance [1959] GLR 163 circa 1959 1
Mensah v Ghana Commercial Bank [1958] WALR 123 Australia - Western Australia circa 1958 flag 1
Bruce v Quarnor [1956] GLR 292 circa 1956 1
Abakam Effiana Family v Mbibado Effiana Family [1956] GLR 362 circa 1956 1
Okantey v Kwaddey [1956] GLR 241 circa 1956 1

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