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Asuncion Cruz, Angel Andan, Alberto Andan, Cesar Andan, Roman Andan and Marina Andan v Hon Court of Appeals, Catalina Arceo and Ildefonso Santos   flag 

[1979] PHSC 334
Supreme Court of the Philippines
23rd October, 1979

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Alvero v Reas (1970) 35 SCRA 210 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1970 flag 7
14 Scra 653 14 SCRA 653 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1970 flag 2
Ongsiaco vs Dallo 27 SCRA 161 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 8
Delima v Tio 32 SCRA 516 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 17
12 Scra 435 12 SCRA 435 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 4
Narag v Cecilio 48 SCRA 11 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
Carillo v De Paz 18 SCRA 467 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 12
Probst v Trustees of Bd of Domestic Missions of Gen Assembly of Presbyterian Church 129 US 182; 32 L Ed 642; 9 SCt 263 United States Supreme Court United States 21 Jan 1889 WorldLII flag 11
Conspecto vs Fruto 31 Phil 144 Philippines flag 26
PP Agustinos Recoletos v Crisostomo 32 Phil 427 Philippines flag 18
Labot v Librada 72 Phil 433 Philippines flag 6
Santos v Heirs of Crisostomo 41 Phil 342 Philippines flag 18
40 Act 190 40 Act 190 United Kingdom flag 7
Arboso v Andrade 87 Phil 782 Philippines flag 8
Altman v Commanding Officer 11 Phil 516 Philippines flag 6

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