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Harlin v Missouri   flag  4

439 US 459; 58 L Ed 2d 733; 99 SCt 709
United States Supreme Court
United States
15th January, 1979

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Soap v D Carter 632 F2d 872 United States Court of Appeals, Tenth Circuit United States 4 Dec 1980 WorldLII flag 8
Griffith v Kentucky 479 US 314; 93 L Ed 2d 649; 107 SCt 708; [1987] Gray 989 United States Supreme Court United States - Massachusetts 13 Jan 1987 WorldLII flag 452
United States v Johnson 457 US 537; 73 L Ed 2d 202; 102 SCt 2579 United States Supreme Court United States 21 Jun 1982 WorldLII flag 145
Orr v Orr 440 US 268; 59 L Ed 2d 306; 99 SCt 1102 United States Supreme Court United States 5 Mar 1979 WorldLII flag 86

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Duren v Missouri 439 US 357; 58 L Ed 2d 579; 99 SCt 664 United States Supreme Court United States 9 Jan 1979 WorldLII flag 262
Hankerson v North Carolina 432 US 233; 53 L Ed 2d 306; 97 SCt 2339 United States Supreme Court United States 17 Jun 1977 WorldLII flag 89
Taylor v Louisiana 419 US 522; 42 L Ed 2d 690; 95 SCt 692 United States Supreme Court United States 21 Jan 1975 WorldLII flag 306
Jenkins v Georgia 418 US 153; 41 L Ed 2d 642; 94 SCt 2750 United States Supreme Court United States 24 Jun 1974 WorldLII flag 71
Mackey v United States 401 US 667; 28 L Ed 2d 404; 91 SCt 1160; 28 L Ed 404 United States Supreme Court United States 5 Apr 1971 WorldLII flag 201
Linkletter v Walker 381 US 618; 14 L Ed 601; 14 L Ed 2d 601; 85 SCt 1731 United States Supreme Court United States 7 Jun 1965 WorldLII flag 671
State v Duren 556 SW 2d 11 US 7
556 SW 2d 42 556 SW 2d 42 US 1

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