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Heirs of Catalino Jardin, namely, Rustica, Ceferina, Victorina, Remedios, Elsie, Cirila, Purificacion, and Virginia, all surnamed Jardin, and Walderico Z Jardin, as Heir of Galo Jardin v Heirs of Sixto Hallasgo, namely, Paz, Corazon, Nerio, and Eliodora, all surnamed Hallasgo   flag 

[1982] PHSC 468
Supreme Court of the Philippines
30th September, 1982

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Bargayo v Camumot 40 Phil 857 Philippines flag 31
Santos v Santa Teresa 44 Phil 811 Philippines flag 4

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