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Municipality of Santiago, Isabela v Honorable Court of Appeals, Maria Caui Ñ an, Librada, Virginia, Fidencio, Artemio, Porfirio and R, all surnamed Bayaua   flag 

[1983] PHSC 74
Supreme Court of the Philippines
21st February, 1983

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
Director of Lands v Reyes 68 SCRA 177 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 65
Yusingco v Ong Hing Lian 42 SCRA 589 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 44
Elumbaring v Elumbaring 12 Phil 384 Philippines flag 21
Evangelista v Tabayuyong 7 Phil 607 Philippines flag 19
Delima v Tio 32 SCRA 516 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 17
Magsilang 50 Phil 380 Philippines flag 12
Nieto v Quinez (1962) 6 SCRA 74 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1962 flag 8
(1972) 43 Scra 390 (1972) 43 SCRA 390 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1972 flag 5
Republic v Hernaez 31 SCRA 219 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 5
12 Scra 435 12 SCRA 435 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 4
Abad 56 Phil 75 Philippines flag 3

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