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NL Abhyankar v Union of India   flag  1

[1984] INSC 88; 1984 1 SCALE 649; 1984 3 SCC 125; 1984 3 SCR 552; AIR 1984 SC 1247
Supreme Court of India
24th April, 1984

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Union of India & Anr v Deoki Nandan Aggarwal [1991] INSC 222; 1991 2 SCALE 481; AIR 1992 SC 96; 1992 1 SCC Supl 323 Supreme Court of India India 4 Sep 1991 LIIofIndia flag 60

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Union of India & Anr v Deoki Nandan Aggarwal [1991] INSC 222; 1991 2 SCALE 481; AIR 1992 SC 96; 1992 1 SCC Supl 323 Supreme Court of India India 4 Sep 1991 LIIofIndia flag 20
Union of India v All India Services Pensioners Association & Anr [1988] INSC 14; (1988) 2 SCC 580; 1988 1 SCALE 93; 1988 1 JT 96; 1988 2 SCR 697; AIR 1988 SC 501 Supreme Court of India India 14 Jan 1988 LIIofIndia flag 8
[1985] SC 619 [1985] SC 619 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1985 flag 1
DS Nakara v Union of India [1982] INSC 103; (1983) 1 SCC 305; [1983] 2 SCR 165; [1983] SCC (L & S) 145; 1982 2 SCALE 1213; AIR 1983 SC 130 Supreme Court of India India 17 Dec 1982 LIIofIndia flag 276

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