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Florentino R Matta v Workmen's Compensation Commission and Development Bank of the Philippines   flag 

[1984] PHSC 448
Supreme Court of the Philippines
26th December, 1984

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) †  Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1982) 111 Scra 64 (1982) 111 SCRA 64 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1982 flag 2
Bautista vs Workmen's Compensation Commission (1977) 80 SCRA 319 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1977 flag 2
(1975) 67 Scra 207 (1975) 67 SCRA 207 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1975 flag 3
Neri v Employees' Compensation Commission 127 SCRA 672 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 10
127 Scra 306 127 SCRA 306 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 1
127 Scra 276 127 SCRA 276 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 1
Panangui v Employees' Compensation Commission 121 SCRA 65 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 11
Valentin v Employees' Compensation Commission 118 SCRA 160 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 13
WCC and Capinpin v WCC 117 SCRA 887 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 4
115 Scra 300 115 SCRA 300 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 2
Evangelists v ECC 111 SCRA 94 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
109 Scra 216 109 SCRA 216 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 3
Villasin v Republic 104 SCRA 102 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 9
97 Scra 611 97 SCRA 611 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 1
Ecc and Gsis 96 SCRA 896 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 8
Balatero vs ECC, 95 SCRA 608 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 17
Francisco, Inc v WCC 87 SCRA 23 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 4
GB Francisco, Inc vs WCC 87 SCRA 22 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 11
Natividad v WCC and Republic 85 SCRA 115 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 8
National Housing Corporation v WCC 79 SCRA 281 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 13
Abana v Quisumbing 22 SCRA 1278 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 40
Workmen's Compensation Commission and NASSCO 21 SCRA 1199 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 30
4 Page 50 4 Page 50 United Kingdom flag 6

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