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Valentin l Legaspi v Civil Service Commission   flag 

[1987] PHSC 232
Supreme Court of the Philippines
29th May, 1987

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
" the government is in an advantageous position to marshall and interpret arguments against release " 87 Harvard Law Review 1511 Harvard Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
Note, The Rights of the Public and the Press to Gather Information 87 Harvard Law Review 1505 Harvard Law Review United States HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 9
(1976) 17 Scra 14 (1976) 17 SCRA 14 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1976 flag 4
Baldoza v Judge Dimaano (1976) 71 SCRA 14 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1976 flag 4
Ta ñ ada v Tuvera 136 SCRA 27 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 31
Thornhill v Alabama 310 US 88; 84 L Ed 1093; 60 SCt 736 United States Supreme Court United States 22 Apr 1940 WorldLII flag 386
Subido v Ozaeta 80 Phil 383 Philippines flag 7
Anti-Chinese League v Felix 77 Phil 1012 Philippines flag 11
56 Act 496 56 Act 496 United Kingdom flag 4
11 Sec 28 11 SEC 28 United States flag 2

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