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John Dicesare v United States Postal Service   flag 

[1988] USCAFED 63
United States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit
United States
10th February, 1988

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1988) 845 f2d 1033 (1988) 845 F2d 1033 United States circa 1988 Westlaw flag 18
Rockwell v Department of Transportation 789 F2d 908 United States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit United States 1 May 1986 WorldLII flag 8
Bowen v Department of Transportation 769 F2d 753 United States Court of Appeals, Federal Circuit United States 31 Jul 1985 WorldLII flag 7
Lassiter v Department of Social Services 452 US 18; 68 L Ed 2d 640; 101 SCt 2153 United States Supreme Court United States 28 Aug 1981 WorldLII flag 122
Washington v Strickland 693 F2d 1243 United States circa 1981 Westlaw flag 82
5 USC 7513 5 USC 7513 United States Code United States circa 1981 LII (Cornell) flag 158

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