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Development Bank of the Philippines v the Hon Secretary of Labor, Cresencia Difontorum,   flag 

[1989] PHSC 870
Supreme Court of the Philippines
28th November, 1989

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court †  Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
(1984) 133 Scra 295 (1984) 133 SCRA 295 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1984 flag 1
Pcib v Namawu (1982) 115 SCRA 873 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1982 flag 7
(1978) 83 Scra 688 (1978) 83 SCRA 688 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1978 flag 2
Barretto v Villanueva (1962) 6 SCRA 928 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1962 flag 11
Republic v Peralta 150 SCRA 37 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 18
Servicing Corporation v Centro La Paz 121 SCRA 748 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 9
Streiff (Ltd) v Villanueva 41 Phil 611; 620 SCRA 713 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 17
Philippine Savings Bank v Lantin 124 SCRA 476 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 17

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