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Cases Referring to this Journal Article | Law Reform Reports Referring to this Journal Article | Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article | Legislation Cited | Cases and Articles Cited


"Standing: the Role and Evolution of the Test"   flag  4

(1991) 20 Federal Law Review 83
Allars, Margaret
Federal Law Review

Cases Referring to this Journal Article

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Kuczborski v Queensland [2014] HCA 46; (2014) 254 CLR 51; (2014) 314 ALR 528; (2014) 89 ALJR 59 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Nov 2014 AustLII flag 101
North Coast Environmental Council Inc v Minister for Resources [1994] FCA 1556; (1994) 55 FCR 492; (1994) 127 ALR 617; (1994) 36 ALD 533; (1994) 85 LGERA 270 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Dec 1994 AustLII flag 105

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"The Zone of Interests Test and Standing for Judicial Review in Australia" (2016) 39 University of New South Wales Law Journal 1127 Van Wees, Nathan Australia circa 2016 AustLII flag 1
"Bibliography of Articles" [2000] AdminRw 1 (2000) 52 Admin Review 1 Editors Australia circa 2000 AustLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Administrative Decisions (Judicial Review) Act 1977 (Cth) s3, s5, s8, s9, s11, s12, s13, s15, s16
Federal Court of Australia Act 1976 (Cth) s32
Judiciary Act 1903 (Cth) s39B, s44
Australian Heritage Commission Act 1975 (Cth) s30
Trade Practices Act 1974 (Cth) s65J
Federal Court Rules (Cth)
Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979 (NSW) s9.8
Trusts Act 1973 (Qld) s8
Administrative Law Act 1978 (Vic) s2, s3

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Re Arun Kumar v Minister of Immigration Local Government and Ethnic Affairs; Patrick Dever; Paul O'Connor and David Dickie [1991] FCA 130; (1991) 28 FCR 128; (1991) 100 ALR 439 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Apr 1991 AustLII flag 10
Yates Security Services Pty Ltd v Keating [1990] FCA 432; (1990) 98 ALR 21; (1990) 77 LGRA 117 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 2 Nov 1990 AustLII flag 12
National Parks & Wildlife Service, Director of v Barritt [1990] NTSC 37; (1990) 72 NTR 1; 102 FLR 392; (1990) 21 ALD 758 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Australia - Northern Territory 17 Oct 1990 AustLII flag 3
Dornan v Riordan [1990] FCA 264; (1990) 24 FCR 564; (1990) 95 ALR 451; 21 ALD 255 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 31 Jul 1990 AustLII flag 244
Laws v Australian Broadcasting Tribunal [1990] HCA 31; (1990) 170 CLR 70; (1990) 93 ALR 435; 64 ALJR 412 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Jun 1990 AustLII flag 653
Haoucher v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs [1990] HCA 22; (1990) 169 CLR 648; 93 ALR 51; (1990) 64 ALJR 357; 11 AAR 508; 19 ALD 577 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Jun 1990 AustLII flag 358
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Taveli [1990] FCA 169; (1990) 23 FCR 162; (1990) 94 ALR 177; 20 ALD 315 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 31 May 1990 AustLII flag 106
[1990] Ch 17 [1990] Ch 17 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1990 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
(1990) 170 CLR 321 (1990) 170 CLR 321 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1990 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 3521
Turner v Owen (1990) 96 ALR 119 Australia circa 1990 LexisNexis AU flag 12
Yarmirr v Australian Telecommunications Corporation (1990) 20 ALD 562 Australia circa 1990 LexisNexis AU flag 1
Yates Security Services Pty Ltd v Keating (Paddy Markets cases) (1990) 25 FCR 1; (1990) 98 ALR 68; (1990) 77 LGRA 165; (1990) 22 ALD 228 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1990 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 39
Annetts v McCann [1990] HCA 57; (1990) 170 CLR 596; 97 ALR 177; (1990) 65 ALJR 167; 21 ALD 651 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1990 AustLII flag 1074
An nells v McCann (1990) 170 CLR 59 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1990 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 2
Attorney-General (NSW) v Quin [1990] HCA 21; (1990) 170 CLR 1; (1990) 93 ALR 1; (1990) 64 ALJR 327; (1990) 33 IR 263; 18 ALD 77; (1990) 33 IPR 263 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1990 AustLII flag 2002
Helena Valley v State Planning Commission (1990) 2 WAR 422; (1990) 71 LGRA 407 Australia - Western Australia circa 1990 LexisNexis AU flag 42
Park Oh Ho v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs [1989] HCA 54; (1989) 167 CLR 637; (1989) 88 ALR 517; [1990] ACL 6; 18 ALD 673; 64 ALJR 34 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Nov 1989 AustLII flag 97
Australian Foreman Stevedores Association v Crone [1989] FCA 14; (1989) 20 FCR 377; (1989) 98 ALR 276; 20 ALD 306 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Feb 1989 AustLII flag 50
Australian Conservation Foundation Inc v Minister for Resources [1989] FCA 794; (1989) 19 ALD 70; (1989) 76 LGRA 200 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1989 AustLII flag 68
Burchett I KaycliffPly Ltd v Australian Broadcasting TribUNll (1989) 19 AID 315 Australia circa 1989 flag 1
Central Queensland Speleological Society v Central Qld Cement (No1) [1989] 2 Qd R 512; (1989) 73 LGRA 218; (1989) 17 ALD 403 Australia - Queensland circa 1989 LexisNexis AU flag 21
Dornan v Riordan [1989] FCA 708; (1989) 19 ALD 185 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1989 AustLII flag 3
Kaycliff Pty Ltd v Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (1989) 19 ALD 315 Australia circa 1989 LexisNexis AU flag 9
Australian Conservation Foundation Inc v Forestry Commission of Tasmania [1988] FCA 144; (1988) 81 ALR 166 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 May 1988 AustLII flag 122
Taxation, Federal Commissioner of v Biga Nominees Pty Ltd [1988] VicRp 91; [1988] VR 1006; (1988) 85 ALR 463; 19 ATR 1037 Australia - Victoria 24 Mar 1988 AustLII flag 7
Administrative & Clerical Officers' Association v Conn [1988] NTSC 8; (1988) 52 NTR 57; (1988) 93 FLR 38; (1988) 23 IR 287 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Australia - Northern Territory 26 Feb 1988 AustLII flag 3
Telecasters North Queensland Ltd v Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (1988) 82 ALR 90 Australia circa 1988 LexisNexis AU flag 9
(1988) 15 Aid 540 (1988) 15 AID 540 Australia circa 1988 flag 1
United States Tobacco Co v Minister for Consumer Affairs (1988) 83 ALR 79; 16 ALD 266; [1988] ASC 58; (1988) 20 FCR 520 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1988 LexisNexis AU flag 40
Blyth District Hospital Inc v South Australian Health Commission (1988) 49 SASR 501; (1988) 17 ALD 135 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia circa 1988 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 16
United States Tobacco Co v Minister for Consumer Affairs (1988) 19 FCR 184; (1988) 82 ALR 509; 15 ALD 591 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1988 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 12
Our Town FM Pty Ltd v Australian Broadcasting Tribunal (No 3) [1987] FCA 393; (1987) 77 ALR 609; (1987) 15 ALD 112 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Nov 1987 AustLII flag 36
Ogle v Strickland [1987] FCA 50; 13 FCR 306; (1987) 71 ALR 41; 12 ALD 435 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Feb 1987 AustLII flag 92
Broadbridge v Stammers (1987) 16 FCR 296; (1987) 76 ALR 339; (1987) 14 ALD 469 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1987 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 83
Macksville & District Hospital v Mayze (1987) 10 NSWLR 708 Australia - New South Wales circa 1987 LexisNexis AU flag 56
South Australia v O'Shea [1987] HCA 39; (1987) 163 CLR 378; (1987) 73 ALR 1; (1987) 61 ALJR 477; 26 A Crim R 447 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1987 AustLII flag 306
Mahoney v Dillon (1987) 71 ALR 395 Australia circa 1987 LexisNexis AU flag 12
Aboriginal Development Commission v Ralkon Agricultural Co Pty Ltd (1987) 15 FCR 159; 74 ALR 505; (1987) 14 ALD 119 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1987 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 44
Wattmaster Alco Pty Ltd v Button [1986] FCA 446; (1986) 13 FCR 253; (1986) 70 ALR 330; (1986) 12 ALD 151 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Dec 1986 AustLII flag 47
Australian Institute of Marine and Power Engineers v Secretary, Department of Transport [1986] FCA 443; (1986) 13 FCR 124; 13 FLR 124; (1986) 71 ALR 73; (1986) 12 ALD 138; (1986) 18 IR 431 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 17 Dec 1986 AustLII flag 124
Castlemaine Tooheys Ltd v South Australia [1986] HCA 58; (1986) 161 CLR 148; 67 ALR 553; (1986) 60 ALJR 679; (1986) 11 ALN N152 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 3 Oct 1986 AustLII flag 851
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Conyngham [1986] FCA 289; (1986) 11 FCR 528; (1986) 68 ALR 441 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Sep 1986 AustLII flag 87
Murphy v Lush [1986] HCA 37; (1986) 65 ALR 651; (1986) 60 ALJR 523 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Jun 1986 AustLII flag 63
Pearce v Button [1986] FCA 51; (1986) 8 FCR 408; 65 ALR 83 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Mar 1986 AustLII flag 62
Conyngham v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (1986) 68 ALR 423 Australia circa 1986 LexisNexis AU flag 14
"Standing to Sue under Federal Administative Law" (1986) 16 FedLRev 319 Federal Law Review Australia circa 1986 HeinOnline flag 1
Marine Hull & Liability Insurance Co Ltd v Hurford (1986) 10 FCR 476; (1986) 67 ALR 77; (1986) 4 ANZ Insurance Cases 60-717; (1986) 11 ALN N94 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1986 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 15
Idonz Pty Ltd v National Capital Development Commission (1986) 13 FCR 70; (1986) 67 ALR 46; (1986) 60 LGRA 328; (1986) 10 ALN N85 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1986 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 17
Kioa v West [1985] HCA 81; (1985) 159 CLR 550; (1985) 62 ALR 321; (1986) 60 ALJR 113; 9 ALN N28 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Dec 1985 AustLII flag 3943
Dallikavak v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs [1985] FCA 374; (1985) 9 FCR 98; (1985) 61 ALR 471 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Oct 1985 AustLII flag 82
Clamback & Hennessy Pty Ltd v Commonwealth (1985) 62 ALR 233; 83 FLR 365; (1985) 3 NSWLR 91 Australia - New South Wales circa 1985 LexisNexis AU flag 4
Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374; 9 Page 20 United Kingdom circa 1985 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1279
Marine Hull and Liability Insurance Co Ltd v Hurford [1985] FCA 548; (1985) 10 FCR 234; (1985) 62 ALR 253 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1985 AustLII flag 43
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (1985) 7 ALN N168 Australia circa 1985 flag 1
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (1985) 8 ALN N237 Australia circa 1985 flag 1
Australian Broadcasting Commission Staff Association v Bonner [1984] FCA 220; (1984) 2 FCR 561; (1984) 54 ALR 653 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Aug 1984 AustLII flag 15
State Bank of New South Wales v Commonwealth Savings Bank of Australia [1984] HCA 41; (1984) 154 CLR 579; 53 ALR 625; (1984) 58 ALJR 394 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Jul 1984 AustLII flag 57
Ioannou v Fowell [1984] HCA 24; (1984) 156 CLR 328 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1984 AustLII flag 7
(1984) 56 ALR 73 (1984) 56 ALR 73 Australia circa 1984 LexisNexis AU flag 58
Tableland Peanuts Pty Ltd v Peanut Marketing Board (1984) 52 ALR 651; (1984) 58 ALJR 283 Australia circa 1984 LexisNexis AU flag 109
O'Reilly v Mackman [1983] UKHL 1; [1983] 2 AC 237; [1982] 3 All ER 1124; [1982] 3 WLR 1096 House of Lords United Kingdom 25 Nov 1983 BAILII flag 713
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (1983) 5 ALN N25 Australia circa 1983 flag 1
Fraser Island Defenders Organisation Ltd v Hervey Bay Town Council [1983] 2 Qd R 72; (1983) 51 LGRA 94 Australia - Queensland circa 1983 LexisNexis AU flag 11
Maksimovic v Walsh [1983] 2 NSWLR 656 Australia - New South Wales circa 1983 LexisNexis AU flag 11
Accident Insurance Mutual Ltd v Trade Practices Commission 74 FLR 333; (1983) 51 ALR 792; [1983] ATPR 40-431 Australia circa 1983 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 4
Wentworth v Woollahra Municipal Council [1982] HCA 41; (1982) 149 CLR 672; (1982) 42 ALR 69; (1982) 56 ALJR 745; (1982) 51 LGRA 212; [1982] ANZ Conv R 530 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Oct 1982 AustLII flag 309
Ioannou v Fowell [1982] FCA 179; (1982) 43 ALR 415; (1982) 63 FLR 170 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Sep 1982 AustLII flag 9
Ralkon v Aboriginal Development Commission [1982] FCA 153; (1982) 69 FLR 328; (1982) 43 ALR 535; (1982) 5 ALD 42 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 Aug 1982 AustLII flag 274
Australian Conservation Foundation v Environment Protection Appeal Board [1983] VicRp 34; [1983] 1 VR 385; (1982) 49 LGRA 326 Australia - Victoria 28 Jul 1982 AustLII flag 31
Doyle v Chief of Staff [1982] FCA 124; (1982) 71 FLR 56; (1982) 42 ALR 283; (1982) 4 ALD 636 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Jul 1982 AustLII flag 231
Tasmanian Wilderness Society Inc v Fraser [1982] HCA 37; (1982) 153 CLR 270; (1982) 42 ALR 51; (1982) 56 ALJR 763; (1982) 48 LGRA 300 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Jun 1982 AustLII flag 28
FAI Insurances Ltd v Winneke [1982] HCA 26; (1982) 151 CLR 342; (1982) 41 ALR 1; (1982) 56 ALJR 388 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 11 May 1982 AustLII flag 542
IRAF Pty Ltd v Graham (1982) 41 ALR 209; 59 FLR 115; [1982] 1 NSWLR 419; [1982] ATPR 40-281; 1 TPR 375 Australia circa 1982 LexisNexis AU flag 39
Collins v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs (No 2) (1982) 5 ALD 32 Australia circa 1982 LexisNexis AU flag 3
Canberra Labor Club Ltd v Hodgman (1982) 47 ALR 781; (1982) 51 LGRA 228 Australia circa 1982 LexisNexis AU flag 5
R v Toohey; Ex parte Northern Land Council [1981] HCA 74; (1981) 151 CLR 170; 38 ALR 439; 56 ALJR 164 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 24 Dec 1981 AustLII flag 397
Ricegrowers Co-operative Mills Ltd v Bannerman [1981] FCA 211; (1981) 38 ALR 535; (1981) 56 FLR 443; 1 TPR 116 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Dec 1981 AustLII flag 85
Onus v Alcoa of Australia Ltd [1981] HCA 50; (1981) 149 CLR 27; 36 ALR 425; (1981) 55 ALJR 631 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Sep 1981 AustLII flag 473
Tooheys Ltd v Minister for Business and Consumer Affairs [1981] FCA 121; (1981) 54 FLR 421; (1981) 36 ALR 64; (1981) 4 ALD 277 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 19 Aug 1981 AustLII flag 204
Day v Pinglen Pty Ltd [1981] HCA 23; (1981) 148 CLR 289; (1981) 34 ALR 545; (1981) 55 ALJR 416; (1981) 45 LGRA 168 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 May 1981 AustLII flag 83
Perkins v Cuthill [1981] FCA 44; (1981) 34 ALR 669; (1981) 52 FLR 238 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Apr 1981 AustLII flag 19
Inland Revenue Commissioners v National Federation of Self-Employed & Small Businesses Ltd (Fleet Street Casuals Case) [1981] UKHL 2; [1982] AC 617; [1981] 2 All ER 93; [1981] 2 WLR 722 House of Lords United Kingdom 9 Apr 1981 BAILII flag 703
Vangedal-Nielsen v Smith (Commissioner of Patents) [1980] FCA 163; 49 FLR 44; (1980) 33 ALR 144; 48 ALT 164; 1A IPR 731; (1980) 3 ALN N21 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 19 Dec 1980 AustLII flag 243
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Pochi [1980] FCA 85; (1980) 44 FLR 41; (1980) 31 ALR 666; 1A IPR 708; (1980) 4 ALD 139 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 31 Jul 1980 AustLII flag 535
[1980] PL 303 [1980] PL 303 United Kingdom circa 1980 Westlaw flag 1
(1980) 146 CLR 493 (1980) 146 CLR 493 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1980 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 571
Re McHattan and Collector of Customs (1977) 18 ALR 154; (1977) 1 ALD 67 Australia circa 1977 LexisNexis AU flag 122
Robinson v Western Australian Museum [1977] HCA 46; (1977) 138 CLR 283; (1978) 16 ALR 623; (1977) 51 ALJR 806 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1977 AustLII flag 177
National Trust of Australia (Vic) v Australian Temperance & General Mutual Life Assurance Society Ltd [1976] VicRp 60; [1976] VR 592; (1976) 37 LGRA 172 Australia - Victoria 31 May 1976 AustLII flag 251
Neville Nitschke Caravans (Main North Road) Pty Ltd v McEntee (1976) 15 SASR 330; (1976) 40 LGRA 276 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia circa 1976 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 7
Sinclair v Maryborough Mining Warden [1975] HCA 17; (1975) 132 CLR 473; (1975) 5 ALR 513; (1975) 49 ALJR 166; (1975) 34 LGRA 1 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 May 1975 AustLII flag 621
"Evaluating and Improving Legal Processes A Plea for Process Values" (1974) 60 Cornell Law Review 1 Cornell Law Review United States circa 1974 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
(1963) 144 CLR 582 (1963) 144 CLR 582 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1963 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1
Walsh v Ervin [1952] VicLawRp 18; [1952] VLR 361; [1952] ALR 650 Australia - Victoria 23 Apr 1952 AustLII flag 45
Australian Coarse Grain Pool Pty Ltd v Barley Marketing Board of Queensland (1982) 46 ALR 398; (1982) 57 ALJR 425; [1983] ALMD 1944 Australia circa 1944 LexisNexis AU flag 208
R v Electricity Commissioners [1924] 1 KB 171; [1923] All ER 156; 205 CA 13; 130 LT 164 United Kingdom circa 1924 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 305
R v Australian Broadcasting Tribunal; Ex parte Hardiman [1980] HCA 13; (1980) 144 CLR 13; 54 ALJR 314 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 Jun 1923 AustLII flag 916
Dunlop Pneumatic Tyre Co Ltd v Selfridge & Co Ltd [1915] UKHL 1; [1915] AC 847 House of Lords United Kingdom circa 1915 BAILII flag 169
Cooper v Wandsworth Board of Works [1863] EngR 424; (1863) 14 CBNS 180; 143 ER 414; (1863) 32 LJCP 185 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1863 CommonLII flag 341
Morton v Radford 61 ALR 414 Australia circa 1981 LexisNexis AU flag 2
Minister for Arts, Heritage and Environment v Peko-Wallsend Ltd 15 FCR 274; (1987) 75 ALR 218 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1981 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 145
1 Ch 109 1 Ch 109 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1981 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 16
Australilmsfor Animals) v Queensland

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