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People of the Philippines, plaintiff, v Alfredo MacLid y Ocampo and Dionisio Ponciano, JR y Pili the Solicitor General for Ruben b Lacre for   flag 

[1992] PHSC 619
Supreme Court of the Philippines
21st August, 1992

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1991) 200 Scra 378 (1991) 200 SCRA 378 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1991 flag 1
People v Santito, Jr 201 SCRA 87 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 41
200 Scra 379 200 SCRA 379 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 6
People v Fontabilla 199 SCRA 897 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 4
People v Balbas 122 SCRA 859 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 22
75 Scra 131 75 SCRA 131 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 2
People v Dorico 54 SCRA 172 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 37
US v Mohamad Ungal 37 Phil 835 Philippines flag 11

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