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Dulari Devi v Controller of Estate Duty Orissa,bhubaneswar,dist -Puri - SJC   flag 

[1994] INORHC 870
High Court of Orissa
India - Orissa
8th November, 1994

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1993) 204 Itr 513 (1993) 204 ITR 513 circa 1993 1
(1984) 147 Itr 57 (1984) 147 ITR 57 circa 1984 1
(1977) 108 Itr 439 (1977) 108 ITR 439 circa 1977 4
Prasad (C) v CIT (1974) 97 ITR 493 circa 1974 3
Gkmagdum v Hkmagdum 129 ITR 440 6
Narendranath (NV) v CWT 74 ITR 190 10

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