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ILDEFONSO ONG v MAXIMO A MEREGILDO, Deputy Sheriff of Municipal Trial Court, Branch 31, Quezon City   flag 

[1994] PHSC 364
Supreme Court of the Philippines
5th July, 1994

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
(1988) 160 Scra 477 (1988) 160 SCRA 477 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines circa 1988 flag 3
Llanes v Borja 192 SCRA 288 Supreme Court of the Philippines Philippines flag 19
[1992] P 11 [1992] P 11 circa 1992 1
[1992] P 1 [1992] P 1 circa 1992 6
[1992] P 5 [1992] P 5 circa 1992 3
[1992] P 20 [1992] P 20 circa 1992 1
[1992] P 10 [1992] P 10 circa 1992 2

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