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Islamic Republic of Iran v United States of America - Oil Platforms - Counter-Memorial and Counter-claim submitted by the United States of America - Written Proceedings   flag 

[1997] ICJTrans 17
International Court of Justice
23rd June, 1997

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
(1958) 450 Unts 82 (1958) 450 UNTS 82 International circa 1958 flag 40
(1956) 285 Unts 231 (1956) 285 UNTS 231 International circa 1956 flag 3
Italy and the United States (1949) 79 UNTS 171 International circa 1949 flag 5
(1871) 25 Unts 69 (1871) 25 UNTS 69 International circa 1871 flag 2
944 Unts 13 944 UNTS 13 International circa 1949 flag 5
729 Unts 161 729 UNTS 161 International circa 1949 flag 46
285 Unts 23 285 UNTS 23 International flag 1
224 Unts 279 224 UNTS 279 International circa 1949 flag 1
206 Unts 269 206 UNTS 269 International circa 1949 flag 2
206 Unts 183 206 UNTS 183 International circa 1949 flag 1
58 Back Office Focus 20 58 Back Office Focus 20 Back Office Focus circa 1949 1
52 FR 41940 52 FR 41940 circa 1949 1
If Approved, the Platform Will Turn Off the Radar, and Once Every 15 OR 30 Canada flag 3

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