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WERNER v AUSTRIA, Judgment of the ECtHR, 24 November 1997   flag 

[1997] IIHRL 143
Interights International Human Rights Law
24th November, 1997

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Lobo Machado v Portugal (1997) 11 Interights Bulletin 19 Interights Bulletin United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 6
Paez and Loayza Tamayo (1997) 11 Interights Bulletin 70 Interights Bulletin United Kingdom circa 1997 flag 2
Diennet v France (1996) 10 Interights Bulletin 100 Interights Bulletin United Kingdom circa 1996 flag 2
Fischer v Austria (1996) 10 Interights Bulletin 67 Interights Bulletin United Kingdom circa 1996 flag 3
Beheer B v v The Netherlands (1995) 9 Interights Bulletin 90 Interights Bulletin United Kingdom circa 1995 flag 4
Fredin v Sweden (No 2) (1995) 9 Interights Bulletin 129 Interights Bulletin United Kingdom circa 1995 flag 6
Masson and Van Zon v The Netherlands 10 Interights Bulletin 101 Interights Bulletin United Kingdom flag 5

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