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William Gerard Smith v Chief Executive, Department for Industrial Affairs (Detafe) and The South Australian Institute of Teachers   flag 

[1997] SAIRC 1
South Australian Industrial Relations Court
Australia - South Australia
17th January, 1997

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Conciliation and Arbitration Act 1972 (Cth)
Industrial Relations Act (Cth)
Education Act, 1972 (SA) s107
Education Act 1975 (Tas)
Education Act, 1976 (Tas)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Re Crown Employees (Teachers - Education Teaching Service - Maximum Class Size) Award (1989) 30 IR 435 circa 1989 2
(1987) 21 IR 165 circa 1987 7
R v Industrial Commission of South Australia; ex parte The Fire Brigades Board (1981) 26 SASR 580 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia circa 1981 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 6
Cave v Mills [1862] EngR 494; (1862) 7 H & N 913; 158 ER 740; 31 LJEx 265 Court of Exchequer United Kingdom circa 1862 CommonLII flag 31
Teachers (Recreation Leave Loading) Award (Referral of Question of Law) Case 43 SAIR 741 Australia - South Australia flag 1
Senior Mental Health Nursing Staff Award (Referral of Question of Law) Case 43 SAIR 594 Australia - South Australia flag 2
Teachers (Non-Metropolitan) Award Reference Case 41 SAIR 110 Australia - South Australia flag 2

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