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Noel Andrew Buckman and Darren Jeffrey Burford v Burdekin Resources Nl   flag 

[1998] NSWIRComm 662
New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission
Australia - New South Wales
18th December, 1998

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) s84, s88, s89, s188, s191
Industrial Relations (General) Regulation 1996 (NSW)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
51 Ir 204 51 IR 204 16
Alchin v South Newcastle Leagues Club [1977] AR 236 circa 1977 10
New South Wales Independent Teachers' Association v St Aloysius College [1976] AR 91 circa 1976 9
2 Ir 403 2 IR 403 circa 1976 1

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