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Gregory Thomas Hamilton v Conrad Constructions Pty Ltd   flag 

[1999] NSWIRComm 143
New South Wales Industrial Relations Commission
Australia - New South Wales
13th April, 1999

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Industrial Relations Act 1996 (NSW) s84

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Moore v Newcastle City Council; Re Civic Theatre Newcastle (1997) 77 IR 210; (1997) 42 AILR 5-139; (1997) 43 NSWLR 614 Australia - New South Wales circa 1997 IntelliConnect flag 27
(1987-1988) 22 Ir 291 (1987-1988) 22 IR 291 circa 1988 1
R v Martin (1981) 2 NSWLR 640 Australia - New South Wales circa 1981 LexisNexis AU flag 50
Ware v O ’ Donnell Griffin (Television Services) Pty Ltd [1971] AR (NSW) 18 Australia - New South Wales circa 1971 flag 86
Broome v Speak [1904] UKLawRpAC 30; [1903] UKLawRpCh 13; [1904] AC 342; [1903] 1 Ch 586 United Kingdom 27 Jan 1903 CommonLII flag 31
Loftus v Roberts (1902) 18 TLR 532 United Kingdom circa 1902 LexisNexis flag 45

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