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Vannattankandy Ibrayi v Kunhabdulla Hajee   flag 

[2000] INSC 653
Supreme Court of India
13th December, 2000

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Air 1996 Bom 389 AIR 1996 Bom 389 India - Maharashtra circa 1996 flag 6
Air 1995 Ker 99 AIR 1995 Ker 99 India - Kerala circa 1995 flag 3
Air 1984 Ker 181 AIR 1984 Ker 181 India - Kerala circa 1984 flag 3
Maharashtra v Narayan Shamrao Puranik [1982] INSC 78; 1982 2 SCALE 948; 1982 3 SCC 519; 1983 1 SCR 655; AIR 1983 SC 46 Supreme Court of India India 25 Oct 1982 LIIofIndia flag 4
1980 3 Sc RR 348 1980 3 Sc RR 348 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1980 flag 2
v Dhanapal Chettiar v Yesodai Ammal [1979] INSC 155; [1980] 1 SCR 334; (1979) 4 SCC 214; AIR 1979 SC 1745 Supreme Court of India India 23 Aug 1979 LIIofIndia flag 43
Thomas v Morammar Baselious Ougen I Catholics Metropolitan AIR 1979 Ker 156 India - Kerala circa 1979 flag 1
[1979] KLT 859 [1979] KLT 859 India - Kerala circa 1979 flag 1

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