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Chief Executive Officer of Customs v JMI Trading Pty Ltd   flag  3

[2000] VSC 537
Supreme Court of Victoria
Australia - Victoria
15th December, 2000

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
LDGL and Commissioner of Taxation (Taxation) [2017] AATA 2779 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 21 Dec 2017 AustLII flag 3
Nguyen AAT [2016] AATA 1041 Administrative Appeals Tribunal Australia 19 Dec 2016 AustLII flag 5
Gill v Chief Executive Officer of Customs [2001] NSWCCA 470; 166 FLR 125; 126 A Crim R 324 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal Australia - New South Wales 4 Dec 2001 AustLII flag 5

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Crimes Act 1914 (Cth) s21B
Customs Act 1901 (Cth) s234
Income Tax (Management) Act 1936 (NSW)
Marriage Act 1928 (Vic)

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Wong v Kelly [1999] NSWCA 439; (1999) 154 FLR 200; 43 ATR 436 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Appeal Australia - New South Wales 6 Dec 1999 AustLII flag 11
(1996) 93 a Crim R 212 (1996) 93 A Crim R 212 Australia circa 1996 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1
Neat Holdings Pty Ltd v Karajan Holdings Pty Ltd [1992] HCA 66; (1992) 110 CLR 445; (1992) 110 ALR 449; (1992) 67 ALJR 170 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 16 Dec 1992 AustLII flag 1777
Nuri v R [1990] VicRp 55; [1990] VR 641; (1989) 49 A Crim R 253 Australia - Victoria 1 Dec 1989 AustLII flag 60
[1988] VLR 731 [1988] VLR 731 Australia - Victoria circa 1988 flag 1
Briginshaw v Briginshaw [1938] HCA 34; (1938) 60 CLR 336; [1938] ALR 334; 12 ALJR 100 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Oct 1982 AustLII flag 10263
(1982) 56 FLR 347 (1982) 56 FLR 347 Australia circa 1982 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1
(1968) 120 CLR 157 (1968) 120 CLR 157 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1968 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 95
Denver Chemical Manufacturing Co v Commissioner of Taxation (NSW) [1949] HCA 25; (1949) 79 CLR 296; 4 AITR 216 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 29 Jul 1949 AustLII flag 98
Wilson v Chambers & Co Pty Ltd [1926] HCA 15; (1926) 38 CLR 131; (1926) 32 ALR 274 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Jun 1926 AustLII flag 81
R v Australasian Films Ltd [1921] HCA 11; (1921) 29 CLR 195; 27 ALR 297 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Apr 1921 AustLII flag 52
Re London and Globe Finance Corporation Ltd [1903] UKLawRpCh 47; [1903] 1 Ch 728; 72 LJCh 368; 88 LT 194 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 10 Mar 1903 CommonLII flag 86
Defiance Enterprises Pty Ltd v Collector of Customs (Q) 96 ALR 697 Australia LexisNexis AU flag 2

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