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"Australia and the International Scrutiny of Civil and Political Rights: An Analysis of Australia's Negotiating Policies, 1946-1966"   flag 

(2002) 22 Australian Year Book of International Law 47
Devereux, Annemarie
Australian Year Book of International Law

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"From 'reluctance' to 'exceptionalism': The Australian approach to domestic implementation of human rights" (2001) 26 (5) Alternative Law Journal 219 Alternative Law Journal Australia circa 2001 AustLII flag 5
"The Contributions of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt to the Development of International Protection for Human Rights" (1987) 9 Human Rights Quarterly 19 Human Rights Quarterly United States circa 1987 HeinOnline flag 3
(1985) 7 Human Rights Quarterly 466 (1985) 7 Human Rights Quarterly 466 Human Rights Quarterly United States circa 1985 HeinOnline flag 1
Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties (1969) 1155 UNTS 331 International circa 1969 flag 536
Civil and Political Rights (1966) 999 UNTS 171 International circa 1966 flag 1331
Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (1966) 993 UNTS 3 International circa 1966 flag 368
Optional Protocol to the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (1966) 999 UNTS 302 International circa 1966 flag 43
International Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination (1965) 660 UNTS 195 International circa 1965 flag 218
"Statelessness through the Peace Treaties After the First World War" [1944] British Yearbook of International Law 171 British Yearbook of International Law United Kingdom circa 1944 HeinOnline flag 1

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