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"Legal Consequences of Promises and Undertakings Made by Public Bodies, The"   flag  1

(2002) 8 Canterbury Law Review 237
Campbell, Mark
Canterbury Law Review
New Zealand

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title †  Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"Contracting with public authorities: the rule against fetters" (2012) 2 New Zealand Law Students Journal 779 Ieong, Patricia New Zealand circa 2012 NZLII flag

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Forests (West Coast Accord) Act 2000
Public Bodies Contracts Act 1959

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
"A Prerogative Fallacy that R is not Bound by Estoppel" (1933) 49 Law Quarterly Review 511 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1933 Westlaw flag 1
"Agreements about the exercise of statutory powers" (1971) 45 Australian Law Journal 338 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1971 Legal Online flag 8
"Bargain Justice or Justice Denied - Science Discounts and the Criminal Process" (1999) 62 Modern Law Review 515 Modern Law Review United Kingdom circa 1999 HeinOnline flag 2
"Criminal Procedure" (1985) 15 Hong Kong Law Journal 399 Hong Kong Law Journal Hong Kong circa 1985 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Desperate Remedies and the West Coast Sawmillers" (2001) 19 New Zealand Universities Law Review 239 New Zealand Universities Law Review New Zealand circa 2001 Westlaw flag 1
"Estoppel and Legitimate Expectation" 145 New Law Journal 1615 New Law Journal United Kingdom LexisNexis flag 1
"Estoppels against Statutes" (1966) 29 Modern Law Review 1 Modern Law Review United Kingdom circa 1966 HeinOnline flag 2
"Executive Discretion Again" (1960) 23 Modern Law Review 672 Modern Law Review United Kingdom circa 1960 HeinOnline flag 1
"Government by Contract and Public Law" [1994] Public Law 86 Public Law United Kingdom circa 1994 Westlaw flag 4
"Immunity from prosecution for prospective illegal conduct" (1997) 71 Australian Law Journal 553 Australian Law Journal Australia circa 1997 Legal Online flag 1
"Legitimate Expectation and Substantive Fairness: Beyond the Limits of Procedural Property" (1995) 1995 New Zealand Law Review 426 New Zealand Law Review New Zealand circa 1995 HeinOnline / Informit / LexisNexis flag 1
"Legitimate Expectation and Treaties in the High Court of Australia" (1996) 112 Law Quarterly Review 50 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1996 Westlaw flag 10
"Legitimate expectation of Substantive Benefit" [2000] New Zealand Law Journal 307 New Zealand Law Journal New Zealand circa 2000 flag 1
"Prosecution Appeals against Sentence: The First Five Years" (1994) 57 Modern Law Review 745 Modern Law Review United Kingdom circa 1994 HeinOnline flag 1
"Protected Interests and Undertakings in the Law of Negligence" (1992) 42 University of Toronto Law Journal 247 University of Toronto Law Journal Canada circa 1992 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 3
"Provenance and Protection of Legitimate Expectations, The" (1988) 47 Cambridge Law Journal 238 Cambridge Law Journal United Kingdom circa 1988 flag 7
"Representations by Public Bodies" [1977] Law Quarterly Review 398 Law Quarterly Review United Kingdom circa 1977 Westlaw flag 1
"The Mischief of Plea Bargaining and Sentence Rewards" [2000] Criminal Law Review 895 Criminal Law Review United Kingdom circa 2000 Westlaw flag 4
"Why Administrators Should be Bound by Their Policies" [1997] Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 23 Oxford Journal of Legal Studies United Kingdom circa 1997 HeinOnline / LexisNexis flag 1
"Witness's Civil Immunity from Criminal Prosecution, A" (1994) 16 Sydney Law Review 394 Sydney Law Review Australia circa 1994 AustLII flag 2
(1997) 60 Modern Law Review 727 (1997) 60 Modern Law Review 727 Modern Law Review United Kingdom circa 1997 HeinOnline flag 1
[1993] Corporate Governance An International Review 591 [1993] Corporate Governance An International Review 591 Corporate Governance: An International Review United Kingdom circa 1993 flag 1
[1997] 1 Cr App R 135 [1997] 1 Cr App R 135 United Kingdom circa 1997 LexisNexis flag 44
[1997] DCR (NSW) 624 [1997] DCR (NSW) 624 Australia - New South Wales circa 1997 flag 1
[1999] 1 NZLR 78 [1999] 1 NZLR 78 New Zealand circa 1999 LexisNexis flag 3
ABC v Redmore (1989) 166 CLR 451 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1989 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1
Administration of Territory of Papua & New Guinea v Leahy [1961] HCA 6; (1961) 105 CLR 6; [1961] ALR 691; 34 ALJR 472 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Mar 1961 AustLII flag 27
AG (Ceylon) vADSilva [1951] AC 461 United Kingdom circa 1951 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Al-Kandari v JR Brown & Co [1988] EWCA Civ 13; [1988] QB 665; [1988] 1 All ER 833; [1988] 2 WLR 671; [1988] ANZ Conv R 421; (1988) 85 LSG 50; [1988] Fam Law 382 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 26 Feb 1988 BAILII flag 69
Alcock v Cooke [1829] EngR 341; 5 Bing 340; 130 ER 1092 Court of Common Pleas United Kingdom circa 1829 CommonLII flag 14
Ali v Deportation Review Tribunal [1997] NZHC 1138; [1997] NZAR 208 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 17 Jan 1997 NZLII flag 55
Ancell v McDermott [1993] EWCA Civ 20; [1993] 4 All ER 355 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 29 Jan 1993 BAILII flag 24
Anns v Merton London Borough Council [1977] UKHL 4; [1978] AC 728; [1977] 2 All ER 492; [1977] 2 WLR 1024 House of Lords United Kingdom 12 May 1977 BAILII flag 674
Ansett Transport Industries (Operations) Pty Ltd v Commonwealth [1977] HCA 71; (1977) 139 CLR 54; 17 ALR 513; (1978) 52 ALJR 254 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Dec 1977 AustLII flag 355
Arthur JS Halll and Co v Simons [1999] 1 Lloyds Rep 47 United Kingdom circa 1999 Westlaw flag 1
Ashby v Minister of Immigration [1981] 2 NZLR 222 New Zealand circa 1981 LexisNexis flag 3
Attorney of Hong Kong v Ng Yuen Shiu [1983] 2 AC 629 United Kingdom circa 1983 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 304
Attorney-General ’ s Guidelines [2001] 1 Cr App R 425 United Kingdom circa 2001 LexisNexis flag 2
Attorney-General (NSW) v Quin [1990] HCA 21; (1990) 170 CLR 1; (1990) 93 ALR 1; (1990) 64 ALJR 327; (1990) 33 IR 263; 18 ALD 77; (1990) 33 IPR 263 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1990 AustLII flag 2002
Attorney-General for Canada v Roy (1972) 18 CRNS 89 Canada circa 1972 flag 2
Attorney-General for Prince of Wales v Collum [1916] 2 KB 204 United Kingdom circa 1916 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Attorney-General v Barker Bros Ltd [1976] 2 NZLR 495 New Zealand circa 1976 LexisNexis flag 80
Attorney-General v E [2000] 3 NZLR 257 New Zealand circa 2000 LexisNexis flag 12
Attorney-General's Reference no 44 of 2000 (Robin Peverett) [2001] 1 Cr App R 416 United Kingdom circa 2001 LexisNexis flag 4
Australian Securities Commission v Marlborough Gold Mines Ltd [1993] HCA 15; (1993) 177 CLR 485; (1993) 112 ALR 627; (1993) 10 ACSR 230; (1993) 67 ALJR 517 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 6 May 1993 AustLII flag 873
Australian Woollen Mills Pty Ltd v The Commonwealth [1954] HCA 20; (1954) 92 CLR 424; [1954] ALR 453; (1954) 28 ALJR 94 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 May 1954 AustLII flag 217
Ayr Harbour Trustees v Oswald [1883] UKHL 873; (1883) 8 AC 623; 10 R (HL) 85 House of Lords United Kingdom - Scotland 23 Jul 1883 BAILII flag 64
Baccus SRL v Servicio Nacional del Trigo [1957] 1 QB 438; (1956) 3 All ER 715; [1956] 3 WLR 948 United Kingdom circa 1957 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 18
Bank of Montreal v R (1907) 38 SCR 258 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 19 Feb 1907 Supreme Court of Canada flag 5
Banker's Case [1695] Skin 601 King's Bench United Kingdom circa 1695 flag 1
Barratt v District of North Vancouver [1980] 2 SCR 418 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 7 Oct 1980 Supreme Court of Canada flag 5
Bell-Booth Group Ltd v Attorney-General [1989] NZCA 9; [1989] 3 NZLR 148 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 21 Feb 1989 NZLII flag 35
BG Checo [1993] 1 SCR 12 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 21 Jan 1993 Supreme Court of Canada flag 10
Bienke v Minister for Primary Industries and Energy (1996) 63 FCR 567; (1996) 135 ALR 128; 40 ALD 221 Federal Court of Australia Australia circa 1996 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 97
Birkdale District Electricity Supply Co v Southport Corporation [1925] 1 Ch 794; [1926] AC 355 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1925 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 61
Blackpool & Fylde Aero Club v Blackpool Borough Council [1990] 3 All ER 25 United Kingdom circa 1990 LexisNexis flag 35
Board of Trade v Temperley Steam (1927) 27 Lloyds Rep 230 United Kingdom circa 1927 Westlaw flag 6
Brickworks Ltd v Warringah Shire Council [1963] HCA 18; (1963) 108 CLR 568; (1963) 37 ALJR 69; (1963) 9 LGRA 226 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 24 Jul 1963 AustLII flag 102
Brierley Investments Ltd v Bouzaid [1993] NZCA 272; [1993] 3 NZLR 655; 18 TRNZ 1; 15 NZTC 10,212 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand circa 1993 NZLII flag 30
Bromley LBC v Greater London Council [1983] 1 AC 768 United Kingdom circa 1983 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 199
Brooks & Burton Ltd v Secretary of State for the Environment (1976) 75 LGR 285 United Kingdom circa 1976 flag 2
Brown v British Columbia (1994) 19 CCLT 268 Canada circa 1994 flag 1
Brown v Heathcote County Council [1987] 1 NZLR 720; [1987] UKPC 28 New Zealand circa 1987 LexisNexis flag 31
Burt v Governor-General [1992] NZCA 225; [1992] 3 NZLR 672; (1992) 8 CRNZ 499 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 16 Jul 1992 NZLII flag 66
Buxton v The Birches Time Share Resort Ltd [1990] NZCA 381; [1991] 2 NZLR 641 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 19 Sep 1990 NZLII flag 26
Calgary v Northern Construction [1982] 2 WWR 426 Canada circa 1982 flag 1
Canadian Pacific Railway Co v R [1931] AC 414 United Kingdom circa 1931 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 20
Canamerican v Canada (1989) 77 NR 141 Canada circa 1989 flag 1
Caparo Industries Plc v Dickman [1990] UKHL 2; [1990] 2 AC 605; [1990] 1 All ER 568; [1990] 2 WLR 358; [1990] BCLC 273; [1990] BCC 164 House of Lords United Kingdom 8 Feb 1990 BAILII flag 1044
Capital and Counties Plc v Hampshire CC [1997] EWCA Civ 3091; [1997] QB 1004; [1997] 2 All ER 865; [1997] 3 WLR 331; [1997] 2 Lloyds Rep 161 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 14 Mar 1997 BAILII flag 75
Challenge Realty v CIR [1990] 3 NZLR 43 New Zealand circa 1990 LexisNexis flag 2
Chappel v Hart (1998) 195 CLR 232; (1998) 156 ALR 517; (1998) 14 Leg Rep 2 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1998 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 708
Choudry v Attorney-General CA217/98 [1999] NZCA 406; [1999] 3 NZLR 399; (1999) 16 CRNZ 617 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 6 Jul 1999 NZLII flag 11
Christodoulidou v Secretary of State for the Home Department [1985] Imm AR 179 United Kingdom circa 1985 flag 4
Chu Piu-wing v Attorney-General [1984] HKLR 411 Hong Kong circa 1984 Westlaw flag 30
CIR v Lemmington [1982] 1 NZLR 17 New Zealand circa 1982 LexisNexis flag 1
Coal Producers Federation of New Zealand v Canterbury Regional Council [1999] NZRMA 257 New Zealand circa 1999 flag 2
Commissioner of State Revenue (Vic) v Royal Insurance Australia Ltd [1994] HCA 61; (1994) 182 CLR 51; (1994) 126 ALR 1; (1994) 29 ATR 173; (1994) 69 ALJR 51 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Dec 1994 AustLII flag 299
Commissioner of Taxation v Hayden [1944] ArgusLawRp 72; (1944) 50 ALR 363 Argus Law Reports Australia 17 Oct 1944 AustLII flag 20
Commissioners of Crown Lands v Page [1960] 2 QB 274 United Kingdom circa 1960 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 44
Commonwealth of Australia v Verwayen (1990) 170 CLR 395 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1990 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 25
Commonwealth v Clark (Voyager case) [1994] VicRp 66; [1994] 2 VR 333; [1993] Aust Torts Reports 81-215 Australia - Victoria 29 Apr 1993 AustLII flag 35
Commonwealth v Colonial Ammunition Co Ltd [1924] HCA 5; (1924) 34 CLR 198 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 21 Mar 1924 AustLII flag 26
Commonwealth v Colonial Combing, Spinning and Weaving Co Ltd [1922] HCA 62; (1922) 31 CLR 421; 29 ALR 138 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Dec 1922 AustLII flag 155
Commonwealth v Evans Deakin Industries Ltd [1986] HCA 51; (1986) 161 CLR 254; 66 ALR 412; (1986) 60 ALJR 619 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 Aug 1986 AustLII flag 99
Coughlan' [2000] Public Law 684 Public Law United Kingdom circa 2000 Westlaw flag 2
Council of Civil Service Unions v Minister for the Civil Service [1985] AC 374; 9 Page 20 United Kingdom circa 1985 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1279
Crabb v Arun District Council [1976] Ch 179; [1975] All ER 446; 187 F 188 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1976 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 315
Cudgen Rutile (No 2) Pty Ltd v Chalk [1975] AC 520; [1975] 2 WLR 1 United Kingdom circa 1975 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 131
Czarnikow Ltd v Rolimpex [1979] AC 351 United Kingdom circa 1979 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 13
Delellis v R [1989] NZHC 711; (1989) 4 CRNZ 601 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 25 Sep 1989 NZLII flag 8
Devonport Borough Council v Robbins [1979] 1 NZLR 1 New Zealand circa 1979 LexisNexis flag 128
Diversified Holdings v Crown in Right of British Columbia (1983) 23 CCLT 156 Canada circa 1983 flag 1
Dorsch v Weyburn (1985) 23 DLR (4th) 379 Canada circa 1985 flag 1
Durant v Greiner 97 ALR 403; (1990) 21 NSWLR 119; [1990] ATPR 41-055; [1990] ASC 59 Australia circa 1994 LexisNexis AU flag 25
E v Attorney-General HC Auckland M1884/SW/99 [1999] NZHC 1328; [2000] NZAR 354 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 29 Nov 1999 NZLII flag 4
Edgeworth Construction Ltd v ND Lea & Associates Ltd [1993] 3 SCR 208 circa 1993 1
Edgington v Fitzmaurice [1885] UKLawRpCh 83; (1885) 29 Ch D 459; 55 LJCh 650; 32 WR 849 Court of Chancery United Kingdom 7 Mar 1885 CommonLII flag 245
Entick v Carrington [1765] EWHC J98; [1765] EWHC J98 (KB); [1765] EWHC KB J98; [1558-1774] All ER 41; (1765) 19 St Tr 1030; 95 ER 807 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales 2 Nov 1765 BAILII flag 118
Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway Co v Wilson [1920] AC 358; 367 LREQ 157 United Kingdom circa 1920 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 9
Esso Petroleum Co Ltd v Mardon [1976] EWCA Civ 4; [1976] QB 801; [1976] 2 All ER 5; [1976] 2 WLR 583 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 6 Feb 1976 BAILII flag 194
Europa Oil (NZ) Ltd v CIR [1970] NZLR 321 New Zealand circa 1970 LexisNexis flag 8
Everett v R [1994] HCA 49; (1994) 181 CLR 295; (1994) 124 ALR 529; (1994) 68 ALJR 875; 74 A Crim R 241 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 Oct 1994 AustLII flag 910
Ex parte Hargreaves [1996] EWCA Civ 1006; [1997] 1 All ER 398; [1997] 1 WLR 906 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 20 Nov 1996 BAILII flag 45
Executive Holdings Ltd v Swift Current (city of) (1984) 36 Sask R 15 Canada - Saskatchewan circa 1984 flag 1
Findlay, In re; Hogben, In re; Honeyman, In re; Matthews, In re [1985] AC 318; [1984] 3 All ER 801; [1984] 3 WLR 1159 United Kingdom circa 1985 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 322
Fleming v Securities Commission [1995] NZCA 320; [1995] 2 NZLR 514; (1995) 7 NZCLC 260,697 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 21 Mar 1995 NZLII flag 66
Formosa v Secretary, Department of Social Security [1988] FCA 291; (1988) 46 FCR 117; (1988) 81 ALR 687; (1988) 15 ALD 657; (1988) 9 AAR 260 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 17 Aug 1988 AustLII flag 236
G A Flick, Natural Justice-Principles and Practical Application [1979] Ch 3 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1979 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 5
George William Lynde v Chief Executive, Department of Corrective Services [2000] QSC 423 Supreme Court of Queensland Australia - Queensland 9 Oct 2000 AustLII flag 1
Gowa v Attorney-General [1985] 1 WLR 1003 United Kingdom circa 1985 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 9
Gregory v Rangitikei District Council HC Palmerston North CP60/93 [1994] NZHC 1448; [1995] 2 NZLR 208; (1994) 6 TCLR 199; [1995] 5 NZBLC 103,624 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 2 Dec 1994 NZLII flag 43
Hamilton City Council v Waikato Electricity Authority [1994] 1 NZLR 741 New Zealand circa 1994 LexisNexis flag 10
Haoucher v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs [1990] HCA 22; (1990) 169 CLR 648; 93 ALR 51; (1990) 64 ALJR 357; 11 AAR 508; 19 ALD 577 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Jun 1990 AustLII flag 358
Hedley Byrne & Co Ltd v Heller & Partners Ltd [1963] UKHL 4; [1964] AC 465; [1963] 2 All ER 575; [1963] 3 WLR 101; [1963] 1 Lloyds Rep 485; 107 Sol Jo 454 House of Lords United Kingdom 28 May 1963 BAILII flag 1122
Henderson v Merret Syndicates[1995]2 AC 145(England);Hawkins v Clayton(1988)164 CLR539;Bryan v Maloney (1994) 182 CLR 609 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1994 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 6
Henderson v Merrett Syndicates Ltd [1994] UKHL 5; [1995] 2 AC 145; [1994] 3 All ER 506; [1994] 2 Lloyds Rep 468; [1994] 3 WLR 761 House of Lords United Kingdom 25 Jul 1994 BAILII flag 554
Hercules Managements Ltd v Ernst & Young (1997) 146 DLR (4th) 577 Canada circa 1997 flag 8
Herd v Foodstuffs (South Island) Ltd; Wilkinson v Coverdale (1793) 1 Esp 7 United Kingdom circa 1793 flag 2
Howell v Falmouth Boat Construction Co Ltd [1951] AC 837; [1951] 2 All ER 278 United Kingdom circa 1951 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 58
HTV Ltd v Price Commission [1976] ICR 170 United Kingdom circa 1976 flag 77
Hughes Aircraft Systems International v Airservices Australia [1997] FCA 558; (1997) 76 FCR 151; (1997) 146 ALR 1 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Jun 1997 AustLII flag 315
Hughes v Department of Health & Social Security; Jarnell v Department of Environment [1985] AC 776; [1985] 2 WLR 866 United Kingdom circa 1985 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 42
Hunter v Chief Constable of the West Midlands Police [1981] UKHL 13; [1982] AC 529; [1981] 3 All ER 727; [1981] 3 WLR 906; 536 ER 727 House of Lords United Kingdom 19 Nov 1981 BAILII flag 1389
Hydro Electric Commission of Kenora v Vacationland Dairy Co-operative Ontario Ltd (1994) 162 NR 241 Canada circa 1994 flag 1
ICongresso delPartido [1981] 1 All ER 1964 United Kingdom circa 1964 LexisNexis flag 1
In Re Preston [1985] 2 AC 835 United Kingdom circa 1985 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Jazabas v Botany Council [2000] NSWSC 58 Supreme Court of New South Wales Australia - New South Wales 24 Feb 2000 AustLII flag 15
Jiuming v Department of Labour [1998] NZAR 219 New Zealand circa 1998 flag 6
JL Holdings Pty Ltd v Queensland (1997) 325 FC 15 Federal Court of Canada Canada circa 1997 CanLII flag 1
John Cooke & Co Pty Ltd v Commonwealth [1922] HCA 60; (1922) 31 CLR 394; 29 ALR 161 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Dec 1922 AustLII flag 35
Just v British Columbia (1989) 64 DLR (4th) 689; [1989] 2 SCR 1228 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 7 Dec 1989 Supreme Court of Canada flag 34
Juthika Bhattacharya v Madhya Pradesh [1976] INSC 206; 1976 4 SCC 96; 1977 1 SCR 477; AIR 1976 SC 2534 Supreme Court of India India 1 Sep 1976 LIIofIndia flag 3
Kent v Griffiths [2000] 2 WLR 1158 United Kingdom circa 2000 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 13
Kerslake and Partners [2000] NZCA 115; [2000] 3 NZLR 406 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 6 Jul 2000 NZLII flag 31
Kioa v West [1985] HCA 81; (1985) 159 CLR 550; (1985) 62 ALR 321; (1986) 60 ALJR 113; 9 ALN N28 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 18 Dec 1985 AustLII flag 3943
Kirton v Nethery [1997] ANZ Conv R 53 circa 1997 2
Kostiuk v Union Accceptance Corporation Ltd (1967) 66 DLR (2d) 430 Canada circa 1967 flag 1
L Shaddock & Associates Pty Ltd v Parramatta City Council (No 1) [1981] HCA 59; (1981) 150 CLR 225; (1981) 36 ALR 385; (1981) 55 ALJR 713; 46 LGRA 65; [1981] ANZ Conv R 248; 2 ANZ Insurance Cases 60-456 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Oct 1981 AustLII flag 320
L'Huillier v Victoria [1996] VicRp 79; [1996] 2 VR 465 Australia - Victoria 4 Mar 1996 AustLII flag 25
Laker Airways Ltd v Department of Trade [1976] EWCA Civ 10; [1977] QB 643; [1977] 2 All ER 182; [1977] 2 WLR 234 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 15 Dec 1976 BAILII flag 154
Launder v Governor of Brixton Prison [1998] EWHC 172 High Court of England and Wales United Kingdom - England and Wales circa 1998 BAILII flag 1
Lever Finance Ltd v Westminster (City) London Borough Council [1970] EWCA Civ 3; [1971] 1 QB 222; [1970] 3 All ER 496; [1970] 3 WLR 732; 68 LGR 757; (1970) 21 P & CR 778 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 22 Jul 1970 BAILII flag 73
Lim Teng Huan v Ang Swee Chuan [1992] 1 WLR 113; (1991) 64 P & CR 233 United Kingdom circa 1992 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 14
Lumber Specialties Ltd v Hodgson [2000] 2 NZLR 347 New Zealand circa 2000 LexisNexis flag 17
Lumber Specialties v Hodgson [2000] 3 NZLR 347 New Zealand circa 2000 LexisNexis flag 1
Maritime Electric Co v General Dairies [1935] 4 DLR 196 circa 1935 1
Markholm Construction Co Ltd v Wellington CC [1985] 2 NZLR 50 New Zealand circa 1985 LexisNexis flag 1
Meates v Attorney-General [1983] NZLR 308 New Zealand circa 1983 LexisNexis flag 135
Meates v Westpac Banking Corporation [1990] UKPC 27; [1991] 3 NZLR 385 Privy Council New Zealand 5 Jun 1990 BAILII flag 7
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Kurtovic [1990] FCA 22; (1990) 21 FCR 193; (1990) 92 ALR 93 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Feb 1990 AustLII flag 536
Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs v Teoh [1995] HCA 20; (1995) 183 CLR 273; (1995) 128 ALR 353; (1995) 69 ALJR 423; (1995) 39 ALD 206; [1995] EOC 92-696; [1996] 1 CHRLD 67; (1995) 7 Leg Rep 18 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 7 Apr 1995 AustLII flag 1847
Minister for Immigration, Local Government and Ethnic Affairs v Kurtovic (1990) 92 ALR 97 Australia circa 1990 LexisNexis AU flag 1
Ministry of Housing and Local Government v Sharp [1970] 2 QB 223; [1970] 1 All ER 1009; [1970] 2 WLR 802 United Kingdom circa 1970 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 57
Moevao v Department of Labour [1980] 1 NZLR 464 New Zealand circa 1980 LexisNexis flag 353
Morash v Lockhart & Ritchie Ltd (1978) 95 DLR (3d) 647 Canada circa 1978 flag 7
Mutual Life & Citizens Assurance Co v Evatt [1970] UKPC 1; [1971] AC 793; [1971] 1 All ER 150; [1970] 2 Lloyds Rep 441; [1971] 2 WLR 23 Privy Council United Kingdom 14 Jan 1970 BAILII flag 104
New South Wales v Bardolph (1934) 52 CLR 455 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1934 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 157
New Zealand Maori Council v Attorney-General [1994] 1 NZLR 513 New Zealand circa 1994 LexisNexis flag 125
New Zealand Maori Council v Attorney-General [1996] NZCA 475; [1996] 3 NZLR 140 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 13 Jun 1996 NZLII flag 49
Northern Roller Milling Co Ltd v Commerce Commission HC Wellington CP188/87 [1994] NZHC 2270; [1994] 2 NZLR 747; (1994) 5 TCLR 595 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 24 Mar 1994 NZLII flag 7
O'Reilly v Mackman [1983] UKHL 1; [1983] 2 AC 237; [1982] 3 All ER 1124; [1982] 3 WLR 1096 House of Lords United Kingdom 25 Nov 1983 BAILII flag 713
Old St Boniface Residents Association v Winnipeg (City) [1990] 3 SCR 1170 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 20 Dec 1990 Supreme Court of Canada flag 32
OLL Ltd v Secretary of State for Transport [1997] 3 All ER 897 United Kingdom circa 1997 LexisNexis flag 18
Owners of the ship Philippine Admiral (Philippine Flag) v Wellem Shipping (Hong Kong) Ltd [1975] UKPC 21; [1976] 1 All ER 78; (1976) 1 Lloyds Rep 234; [1976] 2 WLR 214 Privy Council United Kingdom 5 Nov 1975 BAILII flag 10
Parlement Belge [1879] UKLawRpPro 12; (1878) 4 PD 129 United Kingdom 15 Mar 1879 CommonLII flag 35
Parramatta City Council v Lutz (1988) 12 NSWLR 293; (1988) 65 LGRA 224; [1988] Aust Torts Reports 80-159 Australia - New South Wales circa 1988 LexisNexis AU flag 69
Petrocorp Exploration Ltd v Minister of Energy [1991] UKPC 10; [1991] 1 NZLR 641 Privy Council New Zealand 18 Mar 1991 BAILII flag 18
Petrocorp Exploration Ltd vMinister ofEnergy [1991] 1 NZLR 1 New Zealand circa 1991 LexisNexis flag 30
Pharmaceutical Management Agency Ltd v Roussel Ucl af Aust Pty Ltd [1998] NZLR 58 New Zealand circa 1998 LexisNexis flag 1
Pharmaceutical Management Agency Ltd v Roussel Uclaf Australia Pty Ltd [1998] NZAR 58 New Zealand circa 1998 flag 32
Placer Development Ltd v The Commonwealth [1969] HCA 29; (1969) 121 CLR 353; [1969] ALR 801; (1969) 43 ALJR 265 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Jun 1969 AustLII flag 199
Porto Alexandre [1920] P 30 circa 1920 15
Posts & Telegraphs, Director of v Abbott (1974) 7 SASR 540; (1974) 2 ALR 625; (1974) 22 FLR 157 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia circa 1974 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 10
Power Co Ltd v Gore District Council [1996] NZCA 483; [1997] 1 NZLR 537 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 4 Nov 1996 NZLII flag 38
Pratt Contractors v Palmerston North CC [1995] 1 NZLR 469 New Zealand circa 1995 LexisNexis flag 47
Preston vMinister of Immigration [1998] NZAR 539 New Zealand circa 1998 flag 1
Pyrenees Shire Council v Day [1998] HCA 3; (1998) 192 CLR 330; (1998) 151 ALR 147; (1998) 72 ALJR 152; 96 LGERA 330; [1998] Aust Torts Reports 81-456 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 23 Jan 1998 AustLII flag 463
Queen v Cognos Inc [1993] 1 SCR 87 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 21 Jan 1993 Supreme Court of Canada flag 4
R in Right of Ontario v Ron Engineering & Construction (Eastern) Ltd [1981] CanLII 17 (SCC); [1981] 1 SCR 111; (1981) 119 DLR (3d) 267; 35 NR 40 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 27 Jan 1981 CanLII flag 24
R in Right of Ontario vBaig (1979) 23 OR 2d 730 Canada - Ontario circa 1979 flag 1
R v Ahluwalia [1992] EWCA Crim 1; [1992] 4 All ER 889; (1992) 96 Cr App R 133; [1993] Crim LR 63 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Criminal Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 31 Jul 1992 BAILII flag 60
R v Allpass (1993) 72 A Crim R 561 Australia circa 1993 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 356
R v Blenkinsop [1892] UKLawRpKQB 3; [1892] 1 QB 43 United Kingdom 14 Jan 1892 CommonLII flag 2
R v Catagas (1977) 81 DLR (3d) 396 Canada circa 1977 flag 4
R v Crneck, Bradley and Shelley (1980) 116 DLR (3d) 675 Canada circa 1980 flag 6
R v Croydon Justices, ex p Dean [1993] QB 767 United Kingdom circa 1993 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
R v D ’ Arrigo [1994] 1 Qd R 603 Australia - Queensland circa 1994 LexisNexis AU flag 11
R v Devon CC ex p Baker [1995] 1 All ER 73 United Kingdom circa 1995 LexisNexis flag 161
R v Environment Secretary; Ex parte Hammersmith & Fulham London Borough Council [1991] UKHL 3; [1991] 1 AC 521; [1990] 3 WLR 898 House of Lords United Kingdom 4 Oct 1990 BAILII flag 80
R v Fletcher-Jones (1994) 75 A Crim R 381 Australia circa 1994 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 25
R v Georgiadis [1984] VicRp 82; [1984] VR 1030 Australia - Victoria 16 May 1984 AustLII flag 13
R v H (1995) 83 A Crim R 402 Australia circa 1995 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 21
R v H Ca289/95 [1996] NZCA 571; [1997] 1 NZLR 673; (1996) 14 CRNZ 399 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 28 Nov 1996 NZLII flag 28
R v Home Department State Secretary; Ex parte Ruddock [1987] 2 All ER 518; [1987] 1 WLR 1482 United Kingdom circa 1987 LexisNexis flag 94
R v Home Secretary; Ex parte Hosenball [1977] 3 All ER 452; [1977] 1 WLR 766 United Kingdom circa 1977 LexisNexis flag 79
R v Horseferry Road Magistrates Court; Ex parte Bennett [1993] UKHL 10; [1994] 1 AC 42; [1993] 3 All ER 138; [1993] 3 WLR 90; (1993) 98 Cr App R 114 House of Lords United Kingdom 24 Jun 1993 BAILII flag 472
R v Inland Revenue Commissioners, ex parte Matrix-Securities Ltd [1994] 1 WLR 334 United Kingdom circa 1994 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 21
R v Inland Revenue Commissioners, Ex parte Preston [1984] UKHL 5; [1985] AC 835; [1985] 2 All ER 327; [1984] 3 WLR 945; [1985] BTC 208 House of Lords United Kingdom 25 Apr 1984 BAILII flag 455
R v Inland Revenue Commissioners; Ex parte MFK Underwriting Agents Ltd (MFK case) [1990] 1 All ER 91; [1990] 1 WLR 1545; [1989] BTC 561 United Kingdom circa 1989 LexisNexis flag 280
R v John Monk [1788] EngR 183; 100 ER 278; (1788) 2 TR 515 United Kingdom circa 1788 CommonLII flag 7
R v Kirkpatrick [1971] Que CA 337 Canada circa 1971 flag 1
R v Lord Chancellor's Department; Ex parte Nangle [1992] 1 All ER 897 United Kingdom circa 1992 LexisNexis flag 14
R v MacArthur (1978) 39 CCC (2d) 158 Canada circa 1978 flag 2
R v Marshall (1999) 177 DLR (4th) 515 Canada circa 1999 flag 1
R v McQuire [2000] QCA 40; (2000) 110 A Crim R 348 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 10 Feb 2000 AustLII flag 21
R v Milnes & Green (1983) 33 SASR 211; 8 A Crim R 61 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia circa 1983 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 16
R v Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Food; Ex p Hamble (Offshore) Fisheries [1995] 2 All ER 714 United Kingdom circa 1995 LexisNexis flag 50
R v North and East Devon Health Authority; Ex parte Coughlan [1999] EWCA Civ 1871; [2000] 3 All ER 850; [2000] 2 WLR 622; 97 LGR 703; 51 BMLR 1 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 16 Jul 1999 BAILII flag 120
R v Paulson [1921] 1 AC 271 United Kingdom circa 1921 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 37
R v Power (1994) 39 CCC (3d) 1 Canada circa 1994 flag 2
R v Royal Bank of Canada (1919) 50 DLR 293 circa 1919 1
R v Secretary of State for Education and Employment; Ex parte Begbie [1999] EWCA Civ 2100; [2000] 1 WLR 1115; [2000] ELR 445 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 20 Aug 1999 BAILII flag 218
R v Secretary of State for Health; Ex p United States Tobacco International Inc [1992] QB 353; [1992] 1 All ER 212; [1991] 3 WLR 529 United Kingdom circa 1991 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 48
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex p Gangadia [1994] Imm AR 341 United Kingdom circa 1994 flag 1
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, ex p Ruddock [1987] 2 All ER 519 United Kingdom circa 1987 LexisNexis flag 1
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department, exp Oloniluyi [1989] Imm AR 14 United Kingdom circa 1989 flag 1
R v Secretary of State for the Home Department; Ex parte Khan [1984] EWCA Civ 8; [1985] 1 All ER 40; [1984] 1 WLR 1337; [1984] Imm AR 68 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 4 Apr 1984 BAILII flag 86
R v Stead [1994] 1 Qd R 665 Australia - Queensland circa 1994 LexisNexis AU flag 14
R v t Ca60/87 [1987] NZCA 29; (1987) 2 CRNZ 503 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 8 May 1987 NZLII flag 2
R v Tait [1979] FCA 32; (1979) 24 ALR 473; (1979) 46 FLR 386 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 14 Jun 1979 AustLII flag 822
R v Tipene [2000] NZCA 358; [2001] 2 NZLR 577; (2000) 18 CRNZ 311 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 30 Nov 2000 NZLII flag 14
R v Townsend [1997] 2 Cr App R 540; [1998] Crim LR 126 United Kingdom circa 1997 LexisNexis flag 17
R v Wilton (1981) 28 SASR 362; (1981) 4 A Crim R 5 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia circa 1981 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 150
Ransom & Luck Ltd v Surbiton Borough Council [1949] 1 Ch 180 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1949 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 13
Re Liverpool Taxi Owners' Association [1972] 2 QB 299; [1972] 2 All ER 589; [1972] 2 WLR 1262 United Kingdom circa 1972 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 131
Re Smith and R (1974) 22 CCC (2d) 268 Canada circa 1974 flag 3
RederiaktiebolagetAmphitrite v TheKing [1921] 3 QB 500 United Kingdom circa 1921 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Ref Re Canada Assistance Plan [1992] 2 SCR 525 circa 1992 1
Reference re Canada Assistance Plan (BC) [1991] 2 SCR 525; (1991) 83 DLR (4th) 297 Supreme Court of Canada Canada circa 1991 flag 23
Reilly v R [1934] AC 176; [1933] All ER 179 United Kingdom circa 1934 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 63
Riddell v Porteous [1998] NZCA 171; [1999] 1 NZLR 1 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 29 Sep 1998 NZLII flag 50
Robertson v Minister of Pensions [1949] 1 KB 227; [1948] 2 All ER 767; [1949] LJR 323 United Kingdom circa 1949 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 77
Robinson v South Australia [1931] AC 704; [1931] All ER 333 United Kingdom circa 1931 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 56
Rocca v Ryde Municipal Council [1962] NSWR 600; (1961) 79 WN (NSW) 299; (1961) 7 LGRA 1 Australia - New South Wales circa 1962 flag 18
Rona v District Court of South Australia [1995] SASC 4922; (1995) 63 SASR 223; (1995) 77 A Crim R 16 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia 19 Jan 1995 AustLII flag 68
Rootkin v Kent County Council [1981] 2 All ER 227; [1981] 1 WLR 1186 United Kingdom circa 1981 LexisNexis flag 61
Rothmans of Pall Mall (NZ) Ltd v Attorney-General [1990] NZHC 632; [1991] 2 NZLR 323 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 28 Jun 1990 NZLII flag 28
Rubrico v Minister for Immigration and Ethnic Affairs [1989] FCA 90; (1989) 23 FCR 208; (1989) 86 ALR 681 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 31 Mar 1989 AustLII flag 27
RvSecretary ofState for the Home Department, expPatel [1991] Imm AR 14 United Kingdom circa 1991 flag 1
Saif Ali v Sydney Mitchell & Co [1980] AC 198 United Kingdom circa 1980 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 290
San Sebastien Pty Ltd v Minister Administering the Planning and Assessment Act 1978 (1986) 162 CLR 341 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1986 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 29
Schmidt v Secretary of State for Home Affairs (1969) 2 Ch 149; (1968) 3 All ER 795 Court of Chancery United Kingdom circa 1969 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 216
see R v Bloomfield [1997] 1 Cr App R 135 United Kingdom circa 1997 LexisNexis flag 44
Shing v Ashcroft [1987] 2 NZLR 154 New Zealand circa 1987 LexisNexis flag 7
Simpson v Attorney-General [1994] NZCA 287; [1994] 3 NZLR 667; (1994) 1 HRNZ 42 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 29 Jul 1994 NZLII flag 314
Simpson v Blacks Harbour (Village) (1995) 160 NBR2d 375 Canada - New Brunswick circa 1995 flag 1
Singh v Branch Manager of New Zealand Immigration Services [1998] NZAR 98 New Zealand circa 1998 flag 1
South Australia v Commonwealth [1962] HCA 10; (1962) 108 CLR 130; [1962] ALR 547; 35 ALJR 460 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Feb 1962 AustLII flag 158
South Pacific Manufacturing Co Ltd v New Zealand Security Consultants & Investigations Ltd [1991] NZCA 551; [1992] 2 NZLR 282; [1992] LRC (Comm) 91; (1991) 3 NZBLC 102,301 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 29 Nov 1991 NZLII flag 240
Southend-on-Sea Corporation v Hodgson (Wickford) Ltd [1962] 1 QB 416; [1961] 2 All ER 46 United Kingdom circa 1962 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 95
Steaua Romana [1944] P 43 circa 1944 2
Stovin v Wise [1996] UKHL 15; [1996] AC 923; [1996] 3 All ER 801; [1996] 3 WLR 389; (1996) 93 LSG 33; [1996] RTR 354 House of Lords United Kingdom 24 Jul 1996 BAILII flag 328
Stringer v Minister of Housing and Local Government [1971] 1 All ER 65; (1971) 22 P & CR 255; [1970] 1 WLR 1281; 68 LGR 788 United Kingdom circa 1970 LexisNexis flag 85
Sutherland SC v Heyman (1985) 59 ALR 564 Australia circa 1985 LexisNexis AU flag 1
Sutherland Shire Council v Heyman [1985] HCA 41; (1985) 157 CLR 424; 60 ALR 1; (1985) 59 ALJR 564; (1985) 56 LGRA 120; 10 ATPR 41-238 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 Jul 1985 AustLII flag 938
Swinamer v Nova Scotia (AG) (1994) 19 CCLT (2d) 233 Canada circa 1994 flag 1
T v Surrey CC [1994] 4 All ER 577 United Kingdom circa 1994 LexisNexis flag 6
T1T2 Ltd Partnership v Canada (1995) 24 OR 3d 546 Canada - Ontario circa 1995 flag 1
T1T2 Ltd Partnership v R in Right of Canada (1995) 23 OR 3d 81 Canada - Ontario circa 1995 flag 1
Takaro Properties Ltd v Rowling [1987] 2 NZLR 700 New Zealand circa 1987 LexisNexis flag 45
Taranaki Electric Power Board v Proprietors of Puketapu 3A Block [1958] NZLR 297 New Zealand circa 1958 LexisNexis flag 6
Tavita v Minister of Immigration [1993] NZCA 354; [1994] 2 NZLR 257; [1994] NZAR 116; (1993) 11 FRNZ 508; (1993) 1 HRNZ 30; [1994] NZFLR 97 Court of Appeal of New Zealand New Zealand 17 Dec 1993 NZLII flag 251
Tay v Attorney-General [1991] NZHC 3090; [1992] 2 NZLR 693 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 29 Oct 1991 NZLII flag 4
Thai-Europe Tapioca Service Ltd v Government of Pakistan, Directorate of Agricultural Supplies [1975] 1 WLR 1485 United Kingdom circa 1975 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 17
Thames Valley Electricity Power Board v New Zealand Forest Products Pulp and Paper Ltd [1994] 2 NZLR 641 New Zealand circa 1994 LexisNexis flag 38
Thomas v R (1874) LR 10 QB 31 United Kingdom circa 1874 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 14
Trendtex Trading Corporation v Credit Suisse [1982] AC 679; [1981] 3 All ER 520; [1981] 3 WLR 766 United Kingdom circa 1982 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 273
Trinidad & Tobago, Attorney-General of v Phillip [1995] 1 AC 396; [1995] 1 All ER 93; [1994] 3 WLR 1134 United Kingdom circa 1995 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 32
Unilan Holdings Pty Ltd v Kerin [1993] FCA 605; 44 FCR 481 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Dec 1993 AustLII flag 47
v Fletcher-Jones (1994) 75 A Crim R 561 Australia circa 1994 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1
W v Essex CC [1998] EWCA Civ 614; [1998] 3 All ER 111; [1998] 2 WLR 534 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 2 Apr 1998 BAILII flag 5
Waite v Government Commission Headquarters [1983] 2 AC 713 United Kingdom circa 1983 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 1
Waltons Stores (Interstate) Ltd v Maher [1988] HCA 7; (1988) 164 CLR 387; (1988) 76 ALR 513; (1988) 62 ALJR 110; [1988] ANZ Conv R 98 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1988 AustLII flag 1880
Wells v Minister of Housing and Local Government [1967] 2 All ER 1041; [1967] 1 WLR 1000 United Kingdom circa 1967 LexisNexis flag 58
Wells v Newfoundland [1999] 3 SCR 199 Supreme Court of Canada Canada 15 Sep 1999 Supreme Court of Canada flag 20
Welton v North Cornwall District Council [1996] EWCA Civ 516; [1997] 1 WLR 570 England and Wales Court of Appeal - Civil Division United Kingdom - England and Wales 17 Jul 1996 BAILII flag 12
Westco Lagan Ltd v Attorney-General [2000] NZHC 1350; [2001] 1 NZLR 40 High Court of New Zealand New Zealand 15 Aug 2000 NZLII flag 49
Western Fish Products Ltd v Penwith DC [1981] 2 All ER 204 United Kingdom circa 1981 LexisNexis flag 170
Wilkinson v Coverdale (1793) 1 Esp 75 United Kingdom circa 1793 flag 11
William Cory & Son Ltd v London Corporation [1951] 2 KB 476 United Kingdom circa 1951 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 38
Windsor and Annapolis Railway Co v R [1886] UKLawRpAC 28; (1886) 11 AC 607 United Kingdom 25 Jun 1886 CommonLII flag 8
Woodhouse AC Israel Cocoa Ltd SA v Nigerian Produce Marketing Co Ltd [1971] 2 QB 23; [1972] AC 741; [1972] 2 All ER 271; [1971] 2 WLR 272 United Kingdom circa 1971 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 160
X (Minors) v Bedfordshire County Council [1995] UKHL 9; [1995] 2 AC 633; [1994] 4 All ER 640; [1994] 3 WLR 853; [1994] 4All ER 640; [1995] Fam Law 537; 94 LGR 313 House of Lords United Kingdom 29 Jun 1995 BAILII flag 723
Zamora [1916] 2 AC 77 United Kingdom circa 1916 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 46
Zhen Qi (1998) 102 A Crim R 172 Australia circa 1998 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 9
1 NZLR 40 1 NZLR 40 New Zealand circa 1995 LexisNexis flag 10
1 NZLR 356 1 NZLR 356 New Zealand circa 1995 LexisNexis flag 13
2 All Er 204 2 All ER 204 United Kingdom circa 1995 LexisNexis flag 5
2 NZLR 1 2 NZLR 1 New Zealand circa 1995 LexisNexis flag 39
44 CCC (2d) 273 44 CCC (2d) 273 Canada circa 1995 flag 1
64 CLR 387 64 CLR 387 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1995 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 12

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