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Robocup Federation v Orion Pictures Corporation   flag 

[2002] NZIPOTM 51
New Zealand Intellectual Property Office - Trade Marks Decisions
New Zealand
3rd October, 2002

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Co v Hy-Line Chicks Pty Ltd [1978] 2 NZLR 50; [1979] RPC 410 New Zealand circa 1979 LexisNexis flag 921
Pioneer Hi-Bred Corn Co v Hy-Line Chicks Pty Ltd [1975] 2 NZLR 422 New Zealand circa 1975 LexisNexis flag 11
Tarzan Trade Mark [1970] RPC 450 circa 1970 9
`Weldmesh' Trade Mark [1966] RPC 220 circa 1966 21
New Zealand Breweries Ltd v Heineken ’ s Bier Browerij Maatschappij NV [1964] NZLR 115 New Zealand circa 1964 LexisNexis flag 373
Yorkshire Copper Works Case (1954) 71 RPC 150 circa 1954 58
De Cordova v Vick Chemical Co (1951) 68 RPC 103; 1B IPR 496 circa 1951 LexisNexis AU 443
Minnesota Mining & Manufacturing Co App (1948) 65 RPC 229 circa 1948 6
Smith Hayden & Co Ltd ’ s Application (1945) 63 RPC 97 circa 1945 695
W & G Du Cros (1913) 43 RPC 660 circa 1913 1
In re Pianotist Co ’ s Application (1906) 23 RPC 774; (1906) 1A IPR 379 circa 1906 LexisNexis AU 802
Eastman Photographic Materials Co v Comptroller General of Patents, Designs, and Trade - Marks [1898] UKLawRpAC 44; [1898] AC 571; (1898) 15 RPC 476 United Kingdom 15 Jul 1898 CommonLII flag 129

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