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Hoffman v Chief of Army   flag  1

[2003] ADFDAT 4; 179 FLR 264
Defence Force Discipline Appeal Tribunal
1st September, 2003

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Hoffman v Chief of Army [2004] FCAFC 148; (2004) 137 FCR 520; 147 A Crim R 41 Federal Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 31 May 2004 AustLII flag 37

Legislation Cited

Legislation Name Provision
Crimes Act 1900 (ACT) s34
Defence Force Discipline Act 1982 (Cth) s5, s33, s34, s61, s75, s96
Crimes Act 1900 (NSW) s22, s24, s26, s33, s61, s96
Interpretation Act (WA) s34

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
R v Kouroumalos [2000] NSWCCA 453 Supreme Court of New South Wales - Court of Criminal Appeal Australia - New South Wales 3 Nov 2000 AustLII flag 26
R v Parsons [1998] 2 VR 478; (1997) 97 A Crim R 267 Australia - Victoria circa 1998 LexisNexis AU flag 23
Meissner v R [1995] HCA 41; (1995) 184 CLR 132; (1995) 130 ALR 547; (1995) 69 ALJR 693; 80 A Crim R 308 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1995 AustLII flag 604
Re Tyler; Ex parte Foley [1994] HCA 25; (1994) 181 CLR 18; (1994) 121 ALR 153; 68 ALJR 499 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Jun 1994 AustLII flag 84
Watson v Gardiner (1993) 177 CLR 378 Australia - Commonwealth circa 1993 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 1604
Re Nolan; Ex parte Young [1991] HCA 29; (1991) 172 CLR 460; (1991) 100 ALR 645; 54 A Crim R 11; 65 ALJR 486 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 27 Jun 1991 AustLII flag 160
Saraswati v R [1991] HCA 21; (1991) 172 CLR 1; (1991) 100 ALR 193; 65 ALJR 402; 54 A Crim R 183 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 5 Jun 1991 AustLII flag 653
R v Kardogeros [1991] VicRp 19; [1991] 1 VR 269; (1990) 49 A Crim R 352 Australia - Victoria 19 Apr 1990 AustLII flag 40
Jago v District Court (NSW) [1989] HCA 46; (1989) 168 CLR 23; 87 ALR 577; 41 A Crim R 307; (1989) 63 ALJR 640; (1989) 168 CLE 23 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Oct 1989 AustLII flag 1624
Re Tracey; Ex parte Ryan [1989] HCA 12; (1989) 166 CLR 518; (1989) 84 ALR 1; 63 ALJR 250; 16 ALD 730 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 10 Feb 1989 AustLII flag 199
Leon Fink Holdings Pty Ltd v Australian Film Commission [1979] HCA 26; (1979) 141 CLR 672; (1979) 24 ALR 513; 53 ALJR 522 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1979 AustLII flag 215
Macpherson v Brown (1975) 12 SASR 184 Supreme Court of South Australia Australia - South Australia circa 1975 Legal Online / Westlaw flag 24
Butler v Attorney-General (Vic) [1961] HCA 32; (1961) 106 CLR 268; [1961] ALR 650; 35 ALJR 87 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 2 Jun 1961 AustLII flag 245
DPP v Rogers [1953] 1 WLR 1017 United Kingdom circa 1953 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 13
Fairclough Whipp (1951) 35 Cr App R 138 United Kingdom circa 1951 LexisNexis flag 22
R v Wallis [1949] HCA 30; (1949) 78 CLR 529; [1949] ALR 689; (1949) 23 ALJR 299 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 4 Aug 1949 AustLII flag 252
Anthony Hordern & Sons Ltd v Amalgamated Clothing and Allied Trades Union of Australia [1932] HCA 9; (1932) 47 CLR 1; 38 ALR 355 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 26 Apr 1932 AustLII flag 468
Thompson v Goold & Co [1910] AC 409 United Kingdom circa 1910 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 303

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