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Protocol Amending the Convention between the Government of Australia and the Government of the United States of America for the Avoidance of Double Taxation and the Prevention of Fiscal Evasion with respect to Taxes on Income of 6 August 1982 (Canberra, 27 September 2001)   flag  6

[2003] ATS 13

Cases Referring to this Case

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
Aco v R [2008] NTSC 33; (2008) 220 FLR 159 Supreme Court of the Northern Territory Australia - Northern Territory 29 Aug 2008 AustLII flag 5

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Case

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction †  Date Full Text Citation Index
"Recognition of foreign administrative acts: Report from Australia to the XIXth International Congress of Comparative Law" (FCA) [2014] FedJSchol 13 Griffiths, Justice John Australia circa 2014 AustLII flag
"Australian Claims to the Timor Sea's Petroleum Resources: Clever, Cunning or Criminal?" (2011) 37 Monash University Law Review 42 Smith, Madeleine J Australia circa 2011 AustLII flag
"Cases before Australian Courts and Tribunals Involving Questions of Public International Law 2008" (2010) 29 Australian Year Book of International Law 241 Christie, Emily; Hunt, Emma; Ramest, Nithya; Simons, Meredith; Stephens, Tim; Yeoum, Andrew Australia circa 2010 AustLII flag
"The Strength of Timor-Leste Case and Section 51 of the Constitution" [2005] AURELawJl 60 Glover, Peter A Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag
"Dispute Settlement under UNCLOS: The Exclusion of Maritime Delimitation Disputes" (2005) 24 University of Queensland Law Journal 165 Sheehan, Anne Australia circa 2005 AustLII flag 1
"Beneath the sea: Determining a maritime boundary between Australia and East Timor" (2004) 29 (6) Alternative Law Journal 289 Bugalski, Natalie Australia circa 2004 AustLII flag

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