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Bharat Coking Coal Ltd v M/S Annapurna Construction   flag 

[2003] INSC 422
Supreme Court of India
29th August, 2003

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name †  Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index
Air 1923 PC 66 AIR 1923 PC 66 Privy Council India circa 1923 flag 26
Union of India v Bungo Steel Furniture PVT Ltd [1966] INSC 165; [1967] 1 SCR 324; AIR 1967 SC 1032 Supreme Court of India India 14 Sep 1966 LIIofIndia flag 1
Champsey Bhara & Co v Jivraj Balloo Spinning and Weaving Co Ltd [1923] AC 480; [1923] All ER 235; 129 LT 166 United Kingdom circa 1923 LexisNexis / Westlaw flag 39
Champsey Bhara Co v The Jivraj Balloo Spinning & Weaving Co Ltd AIR 1923 PC 66 Privy Council India circa 1923 flag 11
Heyman v Darwin 1942 1 All ER 327 United Kingdom circa 1942 LexisNexis flag 1
K v George v Secretary To Govt , Water and Power Department, Trivandrum [1989] INSC 302; (1989) 4 SCC 595; 1989 2 SCALE 822; 1989 4 JT 166; 1989 1 SCR Supl 398; AIR 1990 SC 53 Supreme Court of India India 5 Oct 1989 LIIofIndia flag 7
Orissa v Dandasi Sahu [1988] INSC 182; [1988] 4 SCC 12; 1988 2 SCALE 285; 1988 3 JT 364; 1988 1 SCR Supl 562; AIR 1988 SC 1791 Supreme Court of India India 22 Jul 1988 LIIofIndia flag 10
Satish Kumar v Surinder Kumar [1969] 2 SCR 244; AIR 1970 SC 833 Supreme Court of India India circa 1970 flag 20
Union of India v Bungo Steel Furniture PVT Ltd [1966] INSC 165; [1967] 1 SCR 324; AIR 1967 SC 1032 Supreme Court of India India 14 Sep 1966 LIIofIndia flag 20
1 SCC 289 1 SCC 289 circa 1990 12
2 SCC 38 2 SCC 38 15
2 SCC 236 2 SCC 236 circa 1990 5
2 SCR 793 2 SCR 793 circa 1990 2
4 SCC 93 4 SCC 93 4
4 SCC 665 4 SCC 665 circa 1990 4
5 SCC 651 5 SCC 651 circa 1990 7
5 SCC 679 5 SCC 679 circa 1990 9
6 SCC 347 6 SCC 347 circa 1990 5
6 SCC 485 6 SCC 485 circa 1990 8
8 SCC 482 8 SCC 482 circa 1990 2
9 SCC 449 9 SCC 449 circa 1990 6

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