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"Pedestrian Malls and Local Government Powers: Political Speech At Risk"   flag  1

(2003) 5 UTS Law Review 48
Belger, Katherine
UTS Law Review

Law Journal Articles Referring to this Journal Article

Journal Article Title Citation(s) Author Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
"Of Protest, The Commons, And Customary Public Rights: An Ancient Tale Of The Lawful Forest" (2019) 42 University of New South Wales Law Journal 26 Clark, Cristy; Page, John Australia circa 2019 AustLII flag

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Coleman v Sellars [2000] QCA 465; [2001] 2 Qd R 565; (2000) 181 ALR 120; (2000) 158 FLR 269; (2000) 112 LGERA 69 Supreme Court of Queensland - Court of Appeal Australia - Queensland 21 Nov 2000 AustLII flag 23
Levy v Victoria [1997] HCA 31; (1997) 189 CLR 579; (1997) 146 ALR 248; (1997) 71 ALJR 837; (1997) 12 Leg Rep 14 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 31 Jul 1997 AustLII flag 455
Lange v Australian Broadcasting Corporation [1997] HCA 25; (1997) 189 CLR 520; (1997) 8 FLR 216; (1997) 145 ALR 96; (1997) 71 ALJR 818; [1997] Aust Torts Reports 81-434; 2 BHRC 513; (1997) 2 CHRLD 231; (1997) 10 Leg Rep 2 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 8 Jul 1997 AustLII flag 1222
McGinty v Western Australia [1996] HCA 48; (1996) 186 CLR 140; (1996) 134 ALR 289; (1996) 70 ALJR 200; [1996] 2 Leg Rep 2 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 28 Mar 1996 AustLII flag 335
Langer v Commonwealth (Political Speech case) [1996] HCA 43; (1996) 186 CLR 302; (1996) 134 ALR 400; 70 ALJR 176; [1996] 2 Leg Rep 13 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 20 Feb 1996 AustLII flag 123
Muldowney v South Australia [1996] HCA 52; (1996) 186 CLR 352; (1996) 136 ALR 18; (1996) 70 ALJR 515; (1996) 7 Leg Rep 10 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1996 AustLII flag 41
Stephens v West Australian Newspapers Ltd [1994] HCA 45; (1994) 182 CLR 211; 124 ALR 80; 68 ALJR 765; [1994] Aust Torts Reports 81-298 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Oct 1994 AustLII flag 331
Theophanous v Herald & Weekly Times Ltd [1994] HCA 46; (1994) 182 CLR 104; (1994) 124 ALR 1; (1994) 68 ALJR 713; [1994] Aust Torts Reports 81-297; 34 ALD 1 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Oct 1994 AustLII flag 669
Cunliffe v The Commonwealth [1994] HCA 44; (1994) 182 CLR 272; (1994) 124 ALR 120; (1994) 68 ALJR 791 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 12 Oct 1994 AustLII flag 374
[1994] Fraser 1994 [1994] Fraser 1994 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1994 flag 1
"The Denizens of Democracy: The High Court and the ‘ Free Speech ’ Cases" [1994] Public Law Review 5 Public Law Review Australia circa 1994 Legal Online flag 1
Nationwide News Pty Ltd v Wills [1992] HCA 46; (1992) 177 CLR 1; (1992) 108 ALR 681; (1992) 66 ALJR 658; (1992) 44 IR 282 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 30 Sep 1992 AustLII flag 933
Australian Capital Television Pty Ltd v Commonwealth [1992] HCA 45; (1992) 177 CLR 106; 108 ALR 577; (1992) 66 ALJR 695 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth circa 1992 AustLII flag 1156
Commonwealth v John Fairfax & Sons Ltd [1980] HCA 44; (1980) 147 CLR 39; 32 ALR 485; (1981) 55 ALJR 45 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Dec 1980 AustLII flag 465
Smith v Collin 439 US 916; 58 L Ed 2d 264; 99 SCt 291 United States Supreme Court United States 16 Oct 1978 WorldLII flag 33
Attorney-General (Cth); Ex rel McKinlay v The Commonwealth [1975] HCA 53; (1975) 135 CLR 1; (1975) 7 ALR 593; 50 ALJR 279 High Court of Australia Australia - Commonwealth 1 Dec 1975 AustLII flag 196
New York Times Co v Sullivan 376 US 254; 95 ALR 2d 1412; 11 L Ed 686; 11 L Ed 2d 686; 84 SCt 710 United States Supreme Court United States 9 Mar 1964 WorldLII flag 1253

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