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Up State Sugar Corporation Ltd v Jain Construction Co & Anr   flag 

[2004] INSC 494
Supreme Court of India
25th August, 2004

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date †  Full Text Citation Index
Milkfood Ltd v M/s GMC Ice Cream (P) Ltd JT 2004 4 SC 393 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 2004 flag 2
(1999) 8 SC 66 (1999) 8 SC 66 United Kingdom - Scotland circa 1999 flag 1
Development Authority Vs Kochhar Construction Work & Anr ' (1998) 8 SCC 559 circa 1998 5
Jagdish Chander Gupta v Kajaria Traders (India) Ltd [1964] INSC 142; (1964) 8 SCR 50; AIR 1964 SC 1882 Supreme Court of India India 29 Apr 1964 LIIofIndia flag 11
[1940] Act 151991 [1940] Act 151991 United Kingdom circa 1940 flag 1
9 SCC 334 9 SCC 334 circa 1964 8
6 SCC 356 6 SCC 356 circa 1964 12
5 SCC 599 5 SCC 599 circa 1964 3
3 SCC 155 3 SCC 155 circa 1964 4

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