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MK Kotecha v Commissioner of Central Excise, Aurangabad   flag 

[2005] INSC 5
Supreme Court of India
4th January, 2005

Cases and Articles Cited

Case Name Citation(s) Court Jurisdiction Date Full Text Citation Index † 
2 SCC 127 2 SCC 127 7
(1999) 113 Elt 353 (1999) 113 ELT 353 India circa 1999 flag 6
Cosmic Dye Chemical v CCE Bombay (1995) 75 ELT 721 India circa 1995 flag 5
[1982] Elt 844 [1982] ELT 844 India circa 1982 flag 3
3 SCC 48 3 SCC 48 circa 1995 3
(1995) 75 Elt 209 (1995) 75 ELT 209 India circa 1995 flag 2

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